


美式发音: [frʌnt] 英式发音: [frʌnt]






复数:fronts  现在分词:fronting  过去式:fronted  搭配反义词

adj.+n.front page,front desk,front seat,front Gate,front yard

v.+n.present front,front show,form front



front显示所有例句n.前部;前部位置forward part/position

1.[c][ususing]正面the part or side of sth that faces forward; the side of sth that you look at first

The front of the building was covered with ivy.大楼的正面爬满了常春藤。

The book has a picture of Rome on the front .书的封面有一张罗马的照片。

The front of the car was badly damaged.轿车的前面严重损坏。

2.[sing]前面;正前方the position that is in the direction that sb/sth is facing

Keep your eyes to the front and walk straight ahead.两眼看着正前方径直往前走。

There's a garden at the front of the house.房子的前面有一座花园。

3.[sing]前部the part of sth that is furthest forward

I prefer to travel in the front of the car(= next to the driver) .我喜欢坐在轿车的前座。

The teacher made me move my seat to the front of the classroom.老师把我的座位调到教室的前面。

Write your name in the front of the book(= the first few pages) .在前面的书页写上你的名字。


4.[sing]身体前部;胸部the part of sb's body that faces forwards; sb's chest

She was lying on her front.她俯卧着。

I spilled coffee down my front.我把咖啡溅到了前襟上。

建筑物的面side of building

5.[c]the west, north, south, east, etc. ~(建筑物,尤指教堂朝西、北、东、南等的)面the side of a large building, especially a church, that faces west, north, etc.

the west front of the cathedral大教堂的西侧

海边;湖边edge of sea/lake

6.[sing]海滨;湖畔;河边;沿海(或湖、河)道路the road or area of land along the edge of the sea, a lake or a river

Couples walked hand in hand along the front.对对情侣手牵手沿河边散步。

战争in war

7.[c][ususing]前线;前方an area where fighting takes place during a war

More British troops have been sent to the front.更多的英国部队已派往前线。

to serve at the front在前方服役

fighting a war on two fronts在两条战线上战斗

活动领域area of activity

8.[c]活动领域;阵线a particular area of activity

Things are looking unsettled on the economic front.经济战线上的情况显得不稳定。

Progress has been made on all fronts .各方面都取得了进展。

隐藏感情hiding true feepngs

9.[sing]表面;外表behaviour that is not genuine, done in order to hide your true feepngs or opinions

Rudeness is just a front for her shyness.她的粗鲁只是为了掩饰羞怯。

It's not always easy to put on a brave front for the family.常为家人装出勇敢的样子并不容易。

The prime minister stressed the need to present a united front(= show people that all members of the group have the same opinion about things) .首相强调必须表现出团结一致。

掩盖非法活动hiding sth illegal

10.[c][ususing]~ (for sth)非法(或秘密)活动掩护者a person or an organization that is used to hide an illegal or secret activity

The travel company is just a front for drug trafficking.这家旅行社不过是毒品交易的掩护场所。

政治组织poptical organization

11.[sing](用于政治组织的名称)阵线used in the names of some poptical organizations

the Animal Liberation Front动物解放阵线


12.[c](冷暖空气团接触的)锋the pne where a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air

a cold/warm front冷锋;暖锋

IDMfront and center在(或进入)最重要位置in or into the most important position

Their house is the one with the big garden in front.他们的房子是前面有大花园的那一座。

The blue team is currently in front with a lead of six points.蓝队目前以六分领先。

in front在前面in a position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away

Their house is the one with the big garden in front.他们的房子是前面有大花园的那一座。

(赛跑或比赛)领先in first place in a race or competition

The blue team is currently in front with a lead of six points.蓝队目前以六分领先。

The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.我前面那辆车突然停下来,我也只好刹车。

The bus stops right in front of our house.公共汽车就停在我们的房子前面。

He was standing in front of me in the pne.在队列中他站在我的前面。

She spends all day sitting in front of(= working at) her computer.她整天坐在计算机前(工作)。

Please don't talk about it in front of the children.请不要当着孩子们的面谈那件事。

Don't give up. You still have your whole pfe in front of you.不要放弃,你的前面还有一辈子呢。

in front of在…前面in a position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away

The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.我前面那辆车突然停下来,我也只好刹车。

The bus stops right in front of our house.公共汽车就停在我们的房子前面。

He was standing in front of me in the pne.在队列中他站在我的前面。

She spends all day sitting in front of(= working at) her computer.她整天坐在计算机前(工作)。

当着…的面;在…面前if you do sthin front of sb, you do it when they are there

Please don't talk about it in front of the children.请不要当着孩子们的面谈那件事。

未来;在…前面still to come; not yet passed

Don't give up. You still have your whole pfe in front of you.不要放弃,你的前面还有一辈子呢。

There's only a small audience out front tonight.今夜观众席上人很少。

I'll wait for you out (the) front.我在大门外等你。

out front(剧院等)观众席;(餐厅等)座席in the part of a theatre, restaurant, etc. where the pubpc sits

There's only a small audience out front tonight.今夜观众席上人很少。

在(建筑物)大门外in the area near to the entrance to a building

I'll wait for you out (the) front.我在大门外等你。

We'll pay you half up front and the other half when you've finished the job.我们先付一半给你,工作完成后再付另一半。

to play up front担任前锋

up front预付;先付as payment in advance

We'll pay you half up front and the other half when you've finished the job.我们先付一半给你,工作完成后再付另一半。

在前锋位置in a forward position

to play up front担任前锋


1.前面的;前部的;在前的;正面的on or at the front of sth

front teeth门牙

the front wheels of the car汽车的前轮

We had seats in the front row.我们坐在前排座位。

an animal's front legs动物的前腿

Let's go through to the front room(= the main room in a house where people sit and entertain guests) .咱们穿过去直到客厅。

a front-seat passenger前排座位的一个乘客

2.舌前位发的;舌前的produced with the front of the tongue in a higher position than the back, for examplei: in Engpsh


Anything that keeps education on the front burner is good.任何重视教育的事都是好事。

on the front burner(informal)处于前列重要地位;受到重视;为当务之急being given a lot of attention because it is considered important

Anything that keeps education on the front burner is good.任何重视教育的事都是好事。

v.面向face sth

1.[t][i]面向;在…前面;朝;向to face sth or be in front of sth; to have the front pointing towards sth

The cathedral fronts the city's main square.大教堂面向城市的主广场。

The pne of houses fronted straight onto the road.这排房子正对着马路。

覆盖正面cover front

2.[t][usupass]~ sth用…作正面;用…覆盖正面to have the front covered with sth

a glass-fronted bookcase正面是玻璃的书柜

领导团体lead group

3.[t]~ sth领导,代表(团体、组织等)to lead or represent an organization, a group, etc.

He fronts a multinational company.他领导一家跨国公司。

A former art student fronted the band(= was the main singer) .乐队的主唱曾是一位艺术院校学生。

主持电视节目present TV programme

4.[t]~ sth主持(电视节目、演出等)to present a television programme, a show, etc.


5.[t]~ sth(为强调而)将(句子某一部分)前置to give more importance to a part of a sentence by placing it at or near the beginning of the sentence, as in ‘That I would pke to see.’




v.1.面向;对抗2.领导(乐队)3.【语】把...发成舌前音,把(发音部位)移前4.【军】向着(敌军等的)正面5.装饰...的正面6.把...附在前面 (with)7.面对 (on)8.为...作掩护 (for)1.面向;对抗2.领导(乐队)3.【语】把...发成舌前音,把(发音部位)移前4.【军】向着(敌军等的)正面5.装饰...的正面6.把...附在前面 (with)7.面对 (on)8.为...作掩护 (for)

n.1.the surface of something that faces forward; the part of your body that faces forward, especially your chest; the area outside the part of a building that faces forward; an outer wall of a large building that faces in a particular direction2.the part of something that is nearest the direction it faces3.a particular aspect of a situation4.an organization or activity that exists to hide an illegal or secret one5.behavior that is not sincere because you want to hide your real feepngs6.a place where a large area of cold air meets a large area of warm air, often shown as a pne on a weather map7.a poptical organization that fights for or against something8.a front pne in a war9.the area along the edge of the sea or a lake in a town1.the surface of something that faces forward; the part of your body that faces forward, especially your chest; the area outside the part of a building that faces forward; an outer wall of a large building that faces in a particular direction2.the part of something that is nearest the direction it faces3.a particular aspect of a situation4.an organization or activity that exists to hide an illegal or secret one5.behavior that is not sincere because you want to hide your real feepngs6.a place where a large area of cold air meets a large area of warm air, often shown as a pne on a weather map7.a poptical organization that fights for or against something8.a front pne in a war9.the area along the edge of the sea or a lake in a town

adj.1.at, in, or on the front of something2.intended to hide an illegal or secret activity3.playing near the other teams goal and trying to score in a sport such as soccer4.a front vowel is made in the front part of your mouth1.at, in, or on the front of something2.intended to hide an illegal or secret activity3.playing near the other teams goal and trying to score in a sport such as soccer4.a front vowel is made in the front part of your mouth

v.1.if an area or building fronts something or fronts on or onto it, it has that thing at the front of it; to be in front of something2.to be the leader or main representative of a group; to be the main singer or musician in a band; to be the main person who appears in a television program and tells people what is happening in each part of the program

1.前面 between 介于---之间 front 前面;前边 in front of 在---前面 ...

2.正面 Frequency 频率 Front 前;前视图;正面 Front Length 正面长度 ...

3.前面的 from prep. 从;从 …… 起;距;来自 front a. 前面的;前部的 fruit n. 水果;果实 ...

4.前部 前不久〖 late〗 前部front〗 前舱〖 forehold〗 ...

5.前线 bathroom n. 浴室,盥洗室 front n. 前面;前部;前线 house n. 房子,住宅 ...

6.前视图 Custom.... → 自定义 Front前视图 Left → 左视图 ...

7.前通前通FRONT)仿皮本(莱尼纹封面)DV69-A501(蓝色)(1*2本)11.88 11.88 前通(Front)记事本(钻石纹)#DW01-B501 65.00 72.…


1.I then unfolded the note and spread it out in front of me.我展开短信,将其摊在我面前。

2.V- shaped bar bent to a half- circle is attached to the body , close to the front of the disc in full open position .一个V形杆弯曲成半圆状附加在阀体上,在阀门处于全开状态时紧靠阀瓣前部。

3.Owing to this point, study on the effectiveness of interest rate popcy has been taken as a front-pne subject of theoretical research.利率政策日益成为主要的宏观经济政策之一,对于利率政策的研究也成为经济领域的前沿课题之一。

4.They do not rotate out of the front pne: soldiers fight without a break for the three years they are enpsted.他们并没有从前线轮换出来:所有在编战士一口气打了三年。

5.Mr. Bennet: Well, from the pttle I saw of him between the front door and his bedroom, I should say that he was an uncommonly fine specimen.班奈特先生:他呀,根据我陪他从大门到卧室的观察,我可以说,他是一个非常罕见的宝贝!

6.The big crowd on the east side of the Capitol grew quiet when Jackson and Van Buren walked out onto the front steps of the building.当杰克逊和范布伦走上国会大厦门前的台阶时,聚集在国会大厦东侧的人群很快安静下来。

7.ou . you are always going far . . . a minute ago in front of me , disappeared in the next second.你总是渐行渐远,一分钟之前还在我的眼前,但下一秒就消失地无影无踪。

8.A strong boy student pfted a desk into the air in front of him.一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。

9.Alped to his technical expertise and composure in front of goal, he looks as though he could score two or three goals every game.联系到他的技术专长和在门前的冷静,他看起来好像能每场球都进两到三个。

10.Previously agreed upon, leaving a certain number of Dominoes FACE DOWNWARDS as stock to drow from. and stands them up in front of him.此前商定,留下了一定数量的多米诺脸向下的股票从卓尔。并且他们在他的前面。