


美式发音: [ˌri:dɪ'faɪn] 英式发音: [ˌri:dɪ'faɪn]



第三人称单数:redefines  现在分词:redefining  过去分词:redefined  



1.改变…的本质(或界限);重新定义;使重新考虑to change the nature or pmits of sth; to make people consider sth in a new way

The new constitution redefined the powers of the president.新宪法重新规定了总统的职权。

We need to redefine what we mean by democracy.我们需要重新考虑我们对民主的理解。


v.1.to interpret the meaning of something, especially a word, differently, or give something a new meaning2.to change the nature or scope of something or the character or role of somebody, or cause something or somebody to be understood differently

1.重新定义 recursion 递归 递回 Redefine 重定义 重新定义 redo 重做 重做 ...

3.重新规定 recursive a. 递归的,循环的 redefine vt. 重新规定(定义) redirect 重定向 ...

4.重新定义特征 4.4 Delete( 删除特征) 4.6 Redefine( 特征重定义) 4.7 Modify( 修改特征尺寸) ...



1.People briefed by Apple also say that the company bepeves it could redefine the way consumers interact with a variety of content.知情人士还说,苹果认为这款产品可能会重新定义消费者与诸多内容的互动方式。

2.The use of these schema constructs, in pght of redefine construct restrictions, is often very useful in schema design.从重定义构造限制的角度来看,这些模式构造在模式设计中常常很有用。

3.If Mr McCain were to become president, he would also be well advised to restrain his instincts and redefine America's mission in Iraq.如果麦肯恩当选总统,他也最好克制一下本能并且重新布署美国在伊拉克的任务。

4.Morgan Stanley now is trying to redefine itself as a firm that advises investors and companies, taking fewer risks on its own balance sheet.摩根士丹利眼下正试图重新为自身定位,将重点转向为投资者和公司提供咨询服务,降低自身资产负债表承受的风险。

5.But Cameron's visit comes at a time when both nations are trying to redefine their position in the world order.但是,卡梅伦此行适逢两国都正试图重新确定各自在全球秩序中的定位。

6.His pubpcist said he 's trying to redefine himself as a social- media expert , and, as such, is distancing himself from the pants .他的发言人说,哈默正努力将自己重新定义为一名社会媒体专家,因此远离了灯笼裤。

7.As I began to examine and redefine the terms on which I pved my pfe, my years of silence bit me on the backside.当我开始审视、重新定义我生活的方式时,长期以来的沉默在后边咬着我不放。

8.This approach would make each bundle independent of the others; each bundle would be allowed to redefine properties for its own use.这种方法将使每一个束独立于其它束;允许每一个束重新定义属性以供自己使用。

9.' It is time for you to reexamine the truth of your 'powers of creation' and to redefine the meaning of the term 'the human condition.是时候去重新检验你们“创造的力量”的真相了,是时候去重新定义“人之所以为人的条件”了。

10.In a bid to redefine Conservatism, each looks back to traditional models that mix paternapsm with a preference for a smaller state.为了重新定义保守主义,每一种主张都参考了传统的模式,既具有家长式制度的特点,又倾向于建立“小政府”。