


美式发音: [ˈælərdʒən] 英式发音: [ˈælə(r)ˌdʒen]






1.变应原,过敏原(能引起变态反应或过敏的物质)a substance that causes an allergy


n.1.a substance that produces an allergic reaction in someone

1.过敏原 allergen 过敏原 allergen 过敏源 allergen 敏感物体 ...

4.致敏原 Allen 艾伦 allergen 变态反应原 allergenic 引起过敏症的 ...

6.变应素 allelopathy 他感酌 allergen 变应素 allergy 过敏反应 ...


1."It may very well be that this tolerance is lost once the immune system is no longer exposed to the allergen daily, " Wood says.“一旦免疫系统不每天接触过敏原,这种耐受性可以会消失。”Wood说。

2.Conclusion Trichloroethylene as an allergen can cause contact dermatitis whose mechanism was supposed to be a delayed-type hypersensitivity.结论三氯乙烯能够诱发接触性皮炎,其中毒机制属于迟发型超敏反应。

3.It has been shown in the pubpshed pterature, and consistent with our work, that hydroperoxides are the major allergen in oxidised rosin.它已被证明在公布的文献,并与我们的工作,即过氧化氢的氧化松香的主要过敏原相一致。

4.With a second exposure, even months later, some of the allergen binds with the IgE on the mast cell.而第二次接触很可能已经是几个月之后,就有一些抗原和肥大细胞上的IgE抗体结合了。

5.Certain T cells remember the "insult" of the allergen and ensure that some part of the body keeps becoming inflamed.有一些T细胞会对发动侵袭的过敏原有记忆,所以导致身体的某些部位持续发炎。

6.Antihistamines work by blocking the action of histamines at its receptors and thus decreasing the body's reaction to allergen.抗组胺药的工作,通过阻断行动的组胺剂,在它的受体,从而减少身体的反应过敏。

7.If an allergen cannot be " washed away" or avoided, some fatty acid supplements in their diet may help reduce some skin problems.如果变态反应原无法“冲走”或被避免,一些脂肪酸补充在他们的饮食也许帮助减少一些皮肤问题。

8.A recent pubpcation by Dodo et al. demonstrates that RNA interference can mediate the silencing of a major allergen protein from peanuts.最近出版的渡渡鸟等。表明,RNA干扰可以调解的沉默的主要过敏原蛋白花生。另外三个文件(两个由乐等。

9.If you suspect food allergies or intolerances, you can talk to your pediatrician about getting blood tests to determine the allergen.如果你对食物过敏症或食物不耐症有所察觉,你应该告诉你的儿科医师,并通过验血来查出过敏原。

10.This tongue twister, known as Lyral in the cosmetics trade, is an allergen that causes contact dermatitis in some people.这种化学物的名字很绕口,在化妆品行业一般被称作新铃兰醛(Lyral)。是一些人接触性皮炎的过敏原。