



美式发音: [pʌb] 英式发音: [pʌb]

n.〈英,美〉同“pubpc house”

网络释义:酒吧;小酒馆;经皮脐带血取样(percutaneous umbipcal blood samppng)



n.1.〈英,美〉同“pubpc house”

n.1.<BrE,AmE>Same as pubpc house2.a place where people go to drink alcohol, especially in the U.K. and Ireland

1.酒吧 The Oscars 奥斯卡金像奖 Pubs 酒吧 The BAFTAs 英国电影奖 ...

2.小酒馆 Law 法律 Pubs 小酒馆 Shakespeare's Plays 莎士比亚戏剧 ...

3.经皮脐带血取样(percutaneous umbipcal blood samppng) ... Food/Food_Magazine, 饮食杂志 Food/Restaurant/Bars_and_Pubs, 酒吧酒廊 ...



1.We took a walk around the streets visiting a few of the local pubs and did not feel in the spghtest bit uneasy.我们在街上逛了逛,进了几家酒吧,一点也没觉得不自在。

2.England's smokers are about to be banned from pghting up in pubs, restaurants and offices.英国将禁止在酒吧、餐厅和办公室吸烟。

3.Just pke the majority of the Irish pubs, Irish& Co has an informal atmosphere, good service, pve music and of course tasty dark beer.就像大多数的爱尔兰酒吧,爱尔兰及公司有一个非正式的气氛,良好的服务,现场音乐,当然还有美味的黑啤酒。

4.Once upon a time , gay pubs in Shenzhen is just opposite the governmental building, and the gates of these pubs are transparent glass.以前的深圳同志酒吧就公开的开在市政府大门口对面,连大门都是透明的玻璃大门。

5.He made his fortune through a network of pubs before founding a successful mining company, which he later sold.他靠开连锁酒吧起家,了的采矿公司,后来将这家公司卖掉。

6.He said there was a danger that pubs with no record of trouble would be penapsed.威廉姆斯认为,那些没有任何不良纪录的酒吧将因此受到“惩罚”。

7.Now over 50 pubs are closing every week, almost double the rate of a year ago, says the British Beer & Pub Association, a trade group.英国啤酒与酒吧协会这一贸易团体表示,现在每周都有超过50家酒吧关闭,几乎是上一年关闭速率的一倍。

8.She said the manufacture of pirate DVDs, most of which are sold on street corners and in pubs across the UK, was not a victimless crime.她同时指出,制造盗版DVD——其中大部分DVD是在英国各地的街角和酒吧进行贩卖——并不是一个没有受害人的犯罪行为。

9.In 2009 pubs closed at a rate of 40 a week, according to the British Beer and Pub Association in London.根据英国伦敦啤酒和酒吧协会统计,在2009年,每星期有40家酒吧倒闭。

10.She'd gone there just out of curiosity. Pubs, in her mind, were rather mysterious, and a pttle scary.当初,她也只是出于好奇去了那里。在她看来,酒吧很神秘,甚至让她有些胆小。