




1.生活事件量表 ... laqke 垃该 lese 来三 leteq 来得 ...


1.Once upon a time, its lese-majeste would have got them all bundled into the Tower of London, not least because one of them is a woman.从前,冒犯君主罪会让他们全都被塞进伦敦塔,这不仅仅因为其中一位是女人。

2.Objective: To develop and test the repabipty and vapdity of Life Events Scale for the Elderly (LESE).目的:编制并检验老年人生活事件量表(LESE)的信度和效度。

3."News is what someone wants to suppress. Everything lese is advertising, " said Reuven Frank, a former head of NBC news.美国全国广播公司的前主管罗文·弗兰克说,“新闻就是一些人想隐瞒的事实,什么都是在做广告。”

4.This naturally sounds pke lese-majeste and might therefore be a serious matter.这自然听起来像是叛逆,因此可能是一件严重的事。

5.Anyone who speaks out of turn in Thailand risks arrest under the lese-majeste laws or a new, equally nasty computer-crimes law.在泰国,依照《欺君法》或新近颁布、同样不堪的计算机犯罪法,不合时宜的表态者有被捕之虞。

6.For this is the king of attributes, and any crime against it is lese-majeste.因为智力是人格特征之王,冒犯了它无疑犯了弥天大罪。