




1.继电器 selector switch 选择开关 realy 继电器 timer 定时器 ...

2.真的 reach 到达 realy 真的 cinema 电影院 ...

3.起动马达继电器 STARTER MOTOR 起动马达总承 REALY 起动马达继电器 ALTERNATOR 充电机总承 ...

4.中继转换器 R700 现货 REALY 中继转换器 POTENTIOMET 继电器 ...

5.丨车队车队 ... Charm. 家族车队 Realy 丨车队车队 FM 丶车队车队 ...

6.小刚 纯正 防水 继电器 REALY 40A 12V 纯正 防水 继电器 RELAY 40A 12V ...


1.It's realy just a continuation of the bigger river but called by a different name for a few miles.它实际上是一条大河的延续,但有几英里取了一个不同的名字。

2.it is realy so hard for a wrongdoer to wash his hands of illegal activities.对一个做坏事的人要他洗手不干违法的事是挺难的。

3.Nothing realy changes around here. One day is pretty much pke the next.这里没有什么实质上的变化,今天跟明天一个样。

4.That would be a realy big fish and a very strong guy.那真是一条大鱼需要非常强壮的人

5.you always said that I am making such a big deal about this, but you never realy cared about my feepng.是我想太多,你总这样说,但你却没有真的心疼我。

6.Internal realy is energized in mormal operation condition (fail-safe)and will not become ready mode with either supply lost or own failure.内部继电器在不正常状况下激活(失效模式),但是其在无电源供给和自身故障的时候不回处于预备状态。

7.I don't mean to hurt him, but he is realy not my type, and I gotta turn him down.我不是有意要伤害他,但是他真不是我喜欢的类型。我必须婉言拒绝他。

8.So , so I think there realy , um , spent properly . This money is worth it to spend. Thank you .所以,我觉得这钱花得值得.谢谢!

9.It is common knowledge that computers are super calculate very fast and realy give wrong answers.众所周知,电脑是超级计算机器,它们飞速地计算,从不出错。

10.Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm realy happy to talk you here.女士们先生们,我很高兴在这儿与你说话。