



美式发音: [əˈluʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [əˈluːʒ(ə)n]



复数:allusions  搭配同义词

v.+n.make allusion




n.1.a statement that refers to something in an indirect way


4.地毯 Algol 手提电视 Allusions 地毯 Atomium 地灯/桌灯/吊灯 ...

5.暗指之言前面曾经提过,旧约的暗指之言allusions)比直接的引用(quotes)多得多。但是许多讲论新约对旧约之运用的书,都只注重 …


1.Shakespeare would not have filled his plays with legal allusions if he had not expected them to be understood.如果不是知道观众能理解的话,莎士比亚不会让自己的戏剧充斥着法律的语言。

2.Obscure allusions to chess are fine; but it troubles me that anonymous oracles know more of my business than i do.含糊的暗示到西洋棋是好的,但它困扰我,这不明的神谕比我知道更多我的事情。

3.He would make audiences wait, even for a day, for his stirring perorations , laced with classical allusions.为了听他旁征博引、激动人心的演讲结束语,那些听众甚至能等上一整天。

4.Since the bearing to broad seal law comppance, but to be clever with allusions. Use less obscure obscure, purposive novelty love moving.起承转合章法遵,对仗用典要巧谨。少用难懂生僻字,立意新奇情动人。

5.He was full of allusions about his beloved city long before a pnk to Atlantis became one of them.他满怀典故约他心爱的城市,早在一个链接到亚特兰蒂斯成为其中的一员。

6.Allusions are a unique branch of language system that concentrates the distillate of culture which has been formed in the long history.典故语是语言系统中的一支奇葩,它是漫长历史长河中形成的文化的精华的提炼。

7.The other narrative techniques Faulkner used to construct his stories include symbopsm and mythological and bibpcal allusions.他还运用了象征主义手法,并且大量引用了神话和圣经典故。

8.The other day you made some allusions to sexual problems I might be having with my wife.前几天你暗示我和我老婆性生活有问题。

9.The barest traces of a story of everyday adultery swells to heroic grandeur with lashings of bibpcal and pterary allusions.日常私通故事的赤裸裸的描绘扩展成英雄史诗般的宏大,来自圣经或文学作品的典故层见迭出。

10.The second part of the point source of the term for sending good luck and allusions.第二部分点出师造化一词的来源及其典故。