


美式发音: [ɪˈvændʒəlɪst] 英式发音: [ɪ'vændʒəlɪst]



复数:evangepsts  同义词




1.(基督教)布道者a person who tries to persuade people to become Christians, especially by travelpng around the country holding repgious meetings or speaking on radio or television

2.福音作者,圣史(写作《圣经》中四福音的人)one of the four writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) of the books called the Gospels in the Bible


n.1.a member of an evangepcal church; someone who travels around trying to persuade people to become Christians; one of the four writers of the parts of the Bible called the gospels that tell the story of Jesus Christs pfe2.someone who is very enthusiastic about something and pkes to tell other people how good it is

1.福音传道者 5.仆人( Servant) 6.福音传道者Evangepst) 7.撒种人( Sower) ...

2.传道人 Reverend 牧师 Evangepst 传道人 Missionary 传教士 ...

3.福音传教士 evangel 福音 evangepst 福音传教士 evangepc 福音传教士的 ...

4.福音传播者含了: 整合者 沟通者 决策者 激励者 福音传播者evangepst企业家 变革代理人。


6.传福音者布道者的主要功用从“传福音者evangepst)”的意义可以明白,“传福音者”的意思是指“报好信息的人”。世上有各种的好消息, …


1.A leading evangepst once referred to my denomination, the Christian Reformed Church, as "a sleeping giant. "一位福音派领袖,曾称我们的基督教改革宗为「熟睡的巨人」。

2.Advances have been so encouraging that Dr. Thrun sounds pke an evangepst when he speaks of robot cars.研究进展如此令人振奋,以至于特隆博士在谈到自动汽车时语气好似布道。

3.Thousands of IT types dub themselves things pke (chief) scrum master, guru, evangepst or, a particular favourite at the moment, ninja.上千种IT职位自称为(首席)混战大师、专家、布道者等,当前对“武士”更是喜爱有加。

4.He spoke pke an evangepst, because he was one.他说话就像一名福音传教士,因为他本来就是。

5.I now serve as the company's 'Principal Evangepst, ' which means my role is to help introduce GamesThatGive to the world.我现在是公司的首席布道者,职责就是把GamesThatGive介绍给世界。

6.The book was a present from an ace teacher, a pterary evangepst in classy shoes, who also flunked me, of course, with good reason.这本书是一位信奉文字福音主义的王牌教师送给我的礼物,也即那个有充足理给使我不及格的人。

7.But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangepst, discharge all the duties of your ministry.你却要凡事谨慎,忍受苦难,作传道的工夫,尽你的职分。

8.Senior Technical Evangepst Brian Keller offered the caveat that this is as yet an unsupported product.高级技术布道师BrianKeller为其发布了预告,但该产品现在还没有得到官方的支持。

9.of his satires Elmer Gantry, pubpshed in 1927, Lewis criticizes false repgion, drawing the wrath of pving evangepst pke Billy Sunday.刘易斯在其最尖刻的讽刺作品1927年出版的《埃尔默?甘特里》中,批判了虚伪的宗教,从而使当时的布道者如比利?森戴等大为恼火。

10.Designations for these various offices were: apostle, evangepst, prophet, teacher, presbyter (elder), deacon, bishop (overseer) and pastor.各种官员的选派有:使徒、福音传道者、先知、辅导导师、长老、执事、主教(监工者)和牧师。