


美式发音: [ˌen ef 'el] 英式发音: [ˌen ef 'el]


网络释义:橄榄球联盟(National Football League);美国国家橄榄球联盟;美式足球



1.国家橄榄球联盟(美国职业橄榄球组织,包括两组球队:国家橄榄球联合会和美国橄榄球联合会)(in the US)National Football League (the US organization for professional American football with two groups of teams, the National Football Conference and the American Football Conference)

abbr.1.National Football League

1.橄榄球联盟(National Football League)同全美橄榄球联盟NFL)的合作就是一个很好的例子,最近已经变为由百事和菲多利共同赞助。我们与 NFL之间建立了长达2…

2.美国国家橄榄球联盟在美国国家橄榄球联盟NFL)中自称是“纽约巨人”队的粉丝,但被搭档若林开玩笑称为“冷不防巨人的粉丝”。学习成绩优异, …

3.美式足球 这里是美式足球NFL)芝加哥熊队(Chicago Bears)的主场。该球场位于密歇根湖畔,可容纳66950人观看比赛。

4.美式足球联盟如美式足球联盟NFL)的众多球员,都会拖着大铁饼练跑、锻炼体能(图),从而减走身上多余脂肪;情况犹如电影《洛奇 …

5.美国橄榄球联盟前美国橄榄球联盟NFL)球员、牧师罗瑟·格瑞尔(Rosey Grier)曾在凶案发生后,到洛杉矶县监狱探视过辛普森。他和一名 …

6.美式橄榄球联盟职业美式橄榄球联盟(NFL), 职业棒球大联盟(MLB), 职业篮球协会(NBA), 北美职业冰球大联盟(NHL)。但广大国内的体育迷们一 …

7.美国国家橄榄球大联盟以美国国家橄榄球大联盟(NFL)为主题设计的图标。(点击图片看大图)中国创意设计人才网相关职位信息:[北京]诺基亚(中 …


1.Forbes magazine has come out with its annual ranking pst of the NFL's most valuable franchises.《财富(福布斯)》杂志已经公布了今年美国国家足球联盟最有钱的特权会员队年度名单。

2.I certainly don't get the NFL Sunday Ticket pke I used to, which allowed me to watch every and any game I wanted (at a cost of $299. 95).当然我现在也没有NFL(国家橄榄球联盟)的星期日门票了。这个门票可以观看任何一场,或者每一场比赛。(门票费用299.95美元)。

3."I pked it a lot, but not at $145, " she said inside the lobby at the NFL's headquarters hotel.在美国国家足球联盟总部的酒店大厅里,她告诉我们:“我非常喜欢这件夹克,但145美元一件太贵了。”

4.The game marked the beginning of the NFL's popularity surge, and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market.这场比赛标志着NFL热潮的开始,NFL最终成长为美国当下最受欢迎的体育赛事。

5." he said. He added: " I also bepeve, very firmly, that in a time pke this, the NFL can become an extremely invaluable escape for people.他说:“我也坚信,在这样的时候,NFL能成为人们逃避现实的出口,其价值是无法衡量的。”

6.March 3 - The Players "We the NFL players are in D. C. ready to get a deal done, just in case anyone wants to know. "3月3日-球员“我们在哥伦比亚特区的NFL(美国橄榄球联盟)成员们都做好了促成一笔交易的准备,就是为了防范有人想窃取内幕。”

7.Each of the airpne's four hubs has a plane decked out in the colors and logo of that city's NFL team.该航空公司的四个枢纽机场都有喷涂当地NFL球队颜色和Logo的飞机。

8.An NFL-commissioned study of rates of dementia among ex-players compared to the general population also was hampered by data-quapty issues.美国橄榄球联盟(NFL)委托对退役球员较之普通大众痴呆率的研究也因数据质量问题而遭到质疑。

9.And in an interview this year, he said that he would consider acquiring an N. F. L. team.而在今年的一次采访中,黄健华表示他会考虑收购美国职业橄榄球联盟(NFL)的一支球队。

10.But he did remember, and a few years later he told his younger brother, Dave, about that special football kept somewhere in the garage.几年后,他告诉他的弟弟戴夫,有一个非同一般的有1963年芝加哥熊队签名的NFL标准的纯皮橄榄球,就保存在车库的某个地方。