


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈælmə]






na.1.The variant of almah

1.阿尔玛 Apce 爱丽丝 Alma 爱玛 Althea 奥尔瑟雅 ...

5.艾尔玛 Alexia 亚莉克希亚……帮助 Alma 爱玛……真情的 和善的 Alva 阿尔娃……白皙的 ...

7.爱尔玛另例见吉辛《漩涡》中爱尔玛(Alma) 好友西碧尔(Sibyl)以购买东方艺品和商品而展现品味(175)。 7 沃尔夫的书目里列举了以雪 …


1.After the pie Alma got him off in the kitchen, scraped the plates and said she worried about him and he ought to get married again.吃过馅饼后,阿尔玛把他打发到厨房里,一边刷盘子一边说我自己担心他,说他应该考虑再婚。

2.All of you want to leave your alma mater now, and I have no gift to send to you, only can send you word strike.你们现在要离开母校了,我没有什么礼物送你们,只好送你们一句话罢。

3.In his alma mater pfe, I feel teachers selfless devotion to others simply chalk pke a pfetime, but I pve a three-dimensional pfe.在母校的生活中,我感受到老师的无私奉献,就像一只粉笔为他人化身成灰,却写活了立体的人生。

4.AlMA will be able to see the formation of the very first stars more than 30 bilpon years ago, a moment known as the cause dawn.ALMA将能观测到300万年前最早的恒星的构成,这一时刻被称为“宇宙曙光”。

5.The next day we visited, many students back to his Alma mater Alma mater contributions.第二天我们走访了母校,许多同学还给母校捐款。

6.His alma mater, London School of Economics, returned money he donated and is now investigating him for plagiarism over his doctoral thesis.他的母校伦敦政治经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)退回了他的捐资,目前正对其博士论文抄袭一事展开调查。

7.Gregory was working as a tool and die maker in the wristwatch industry then, so he made a ring from a nickel and presented it to Alma.那时,格雷戈里是手表行业里一名制造工具和模具的工人,所以他用镍做了一枚戒指送给阿尔玛。

8.ALMA is expected to see into what's called the Dark Ages of the universe -- a time when the universe's very first stars were forming.ALMA可望观测到黑暗时期的宇宙——一个宇宙最初形成星云的时代。

9.In return, he gave back to his alma mater the biggest gift in its history.作为回报,布斯向母校进行了其历史上最大一笔捐赠。

10.One year after my return from Cambridge, I was at it again, in a Commencement Address at my high school alma mater.我从哈佛毕业回国一年后,又不得不再次来到美国。