


美式发音: ['rɪpoʊ] 英式发音: ['riːpəʊ]




n.1.property that is repossessed because payments have not been made wholly or in part2.a repurchase agreement for something

1.回购 replevin 归还产权 repo 再回购协议 report 年度报告,审计报告 ...

8.附条件买回协议 Real Interest Rate: 实质利率 REPO: 附条件买回协议 Reverse Repo: 附条件卖回协议 ...


1.Investors lend out Treasuries overnight in the so-called repo market, and get the bonds and a small interest payment back the next day.通常情况下,投资者在所谓的回购市场上隔夜借出美国国债,次日收回并获得一小笔利息收入。

2.Mr. Fuld's comment that he wasn't aware of the repo transactions was seized on by lawmakers who pressed Mr. Valukas about the matter.国会议员们紧紧抓住富尔德称自己不清楚回购交易的说法,就该事宜向审查员沃鲁卡斯施压。

3.The Bank should stand ready to repo (against epgible collateral) or reverse repo any amount at any time at the official popcy rate.银行应随时准备回购(对符合条件的抵押品)或反向回购协议的任何款项在任何时候在官方政策利率。

4.Such a desire to shorten up exposures in the run-up to the resolution of the debt-ceipng debate led overnight repo rates to spike.这种在债务上限问题即将解决前减少风险的欲望导致隔夜回购利率升高。

5.He focused on the 'repo' market, in which firms sell assets in exchange for cash to fund operations, often just overnight or for a few days.他着重阐述了公司在回购市场(repomarket)上的操作。企业可以在这个市场上短期出售资产为业务筹集现金,其时限往往只是隔夜或几天时间。

6.A few months later, the same trader urges a colleague: "Let's max out on the Repo 105 for your stuff. "几个月后,这名交易员催促一名同事说:“让我们尽量用回购105对付你那边的东西吧。”

7.A greater supply of Treasuries could improve lending in the repo market over the next few days, said traders.交易员表示,扩大国债供应,可能会改善未来几天回购市场的借贷情况。

8.The Japanese market for medium-term bond financing, but it is also referred to as a repo market. Securities acting as collateral . . .指日本的债券回购市场,作为担保品的证券包括国库券和长期债券,是短期货币市场的一部分。

9.A working group of Wall Street firms has been trying to address structural problems in the repo market but is behind schedule.华尔街公司的一个工作组一直在力图解决回购市场的结构性问题,但进展落后于原定计划。

10.But the fact remains that Annaly is beholden to the repo market, as well as being heavily exposed to any shift in interest rates.然而依然未变的一个事实是,Annaly太过依赖回购协议市场,它在利率变动方面的风险敞口太大。