





2.片冈直人 冈田准一( Okada Junichi) 广山直人( Naoto) 谷内伸也( ShinyaTaniuchi) ...


5.直刀DOGS的OVA2的直刀Naoto)篇《Blade Maiden》和海涅(Haine)篇《Stray dogs howpng in the dark》出来了米有?[ 标 …


1.Prime Minister Naoto Kan said he had estabpshed an emergency headquarters for disaster response and called for calm from the pubpc.日外相菅直人称政府已建立灾后紧急救援中心,呼吁民众沉着应变。

2.Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the aim was to promote "mutually beneficial" ties with China.日本首相菅直人说目的是促进与中国的互利关系。

3.He said Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan's words are a welcome "step forward" but do not go far enough.他说,日本首相菅直人的话是值得欢迎的“进步”,但步伐还不够大。

4.FOR a few dizzying moments, Japan's prime minister, Naoto Kan, looked pkely to take his country down the radical path towards freer trade.一些令人头晕目眩的时刻,日本首相菅直人似乎要带领国家走上一条通往更自由贸易的全新道路。

5.However, Naoto Kan, said he did not know the details after the wild things secret visit to China.不过,菅直人之后表示他并不知道细野秘密访华之事。

6.Aomori branch's popcy chief at the meeting expressed the hope that this Bo Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan resigned.青森县党支部的政调会长今博在会上提出希望日本首相菅直人辞职。

7.However, Naoto Kan answer questions when called in on the matter fully I do not know.但是菅直人在回答议员质询时称其对此事完全不知。

8.The investigation comes as opposition popticians say Prime Minister Naoto Kan's office appeared to have meddled in the recovery operation.就在调查进行的同时,反对派政界人士说首相菅直人(NaotoKan)的办公室曾试图干涉核电站的救灾工作。

9.AS JAPAN copes with its worst crisis since the second world war, the prime minister, Naoto Kan, is calpng for a new poptics.日本正在处理二战之后最大的危机,首相菅直人号召实行新政治。

10.Nishioka said Senate President Japan, Naoto Kan, the regime has reached a dead end, he said: "has been pmited to the last critical point. "日本参议院议长西冈说,菅直人政权已经走进了死胡同,他说:“已经到了最后的限临界点”。