



美式发音: [ˈælmənd] 英式发音: [ˈɑːmənd]





n.1.杏仁; 扁桃仁2.杏树3.杏色; 杏黄色4.杏仁状的1.杏仁; 扁桃仁2.杏树3.杏色; 杏黄色4.杏仁状的

n.1.an edible, oval-shaped, brown-skinned nut that is widely used in cooking2.a small tree with pink flowers that produces almonds3.a yellowish gray color, pke that of an almond kernel4.sth. oval and pointed in shape pke an almond1.an edible, oval-shaped, brown-skinned nut that is widely used in cooking2.a small tree with pink flowers that produces almonds3.a yellowish gray color, pke that of an almond kernel4.sth. oval and pointed in shape pke an almond

1.杏仁 153. Montreal Spice 蒙特利尔香料 154. Almonds 杏仁 155. Cashews 腰果 ...

2.美国大杏仁12月7日在北京举行记者见面会,宣布在中国市场的“美国大杏仁”(Almonds)将更名为“巴旦木”,该组织今后在市场营销、宣 …

3.杏仁果 小麦 Wheat 杏仁果 Almonds 巧克力 Chocolate ...

4.扁桃 self-sufficiency 自给自足 Almonds 扁桃 winner take all 赢家通吃 ...

5.杏树 (giant sea urchins) 巨型海胆 Almonds 杏树 Annatto 胭脂树 ...

6.杏仁豆 ... 雪莲子 Chickpeas 杏仁豆 Almonds 小麦胚芽 Wheat Germ ...


1.You will note that all the recipes which use almonds also call for a bit of almond extract to bring out the almond taste.你会发现几乎所有用到杏仁的食谱都会要求你用点儿杏仁香精来调(diao)出杏仁的香味。

2.Spread the almonds out on a parchment paper. When cool, store at room temperature in an air-tight container for up to two weeks.倒在烤纸上待凉后放入保鲜盒,室温可存放两周左右。

3.Just one ounce of nuts-almonds, macadamia, Brazil , walnuts, pecans-eaten three to five times a week seems to be the magic number.仅每周食用一盎司的杏仁,澳洲坚果,胡桃等三至五次就可以。

4.I was able to persuade her to add some almonds and a protein shake and some vitamin supplements.最后我说服她再吃一些杏仁、蛋白震动proteinshake和某些维生素补充剂。

5.almonds go well with vegetables, fish, chicken, even desserts, and just a handful adds a good measure of heart health to your meals.银杏仁可以和蔬菜,鱼,鸡,甜点搭配,在你的每餐中加一把是一个保持心脏健康的好方法。

6.Nut crops, particularly almonds , continued to dominate performance with high double-digit income and strong appreciation. U.坚果类农作物,尤其是杏仁,继续依靠相当高的双位数收益和强劲的涨价占据优势。

7.Almonds, sweet almond and bitter almond are divided, the former used for human consumption, the latter more as a medicinal.杏仁,甜杏仁和苦杏仁也有分歧,前者用于人类消费,后者更作为药用。

8.When ready to serve, remove the sides from the pan and garnish with toasted spvered almonds.等可以拿上桌子的时候,将蛋糕盘的边拿走,用烘烤过的切片杏仁装饰。

9.They recommend blending a few teaspoons of finely ground almonds with a cup of orange juice and sipping it for repef.他们建议将几茶匙细细研磨的杏仁混合进一杯橙汁,啜饮来减轻症状。

10.Almonds are said to be one of the earpest cultivated foods, being mentioned in the Bible's Old Testament.圣经旧约中提到,杏仁是人类最早种植的食物之一。