




1.阿洛克 ... alok 锿 alok aloo 镐 ...

3.的日记 LABEL Laboratory 厂牌实验室 > Alok 的日记 Walnut Room 核桃室 ...

4.乐而忘返 BILLY CORGAN 愈夜愈美丽 ALOK 乐而忘返 KRAFTWERK 拉阔电子音乐 ...

5.仲夏夜夜色霓虹(the Ppable).mp3 5.73 MB│…

6.镶 ... alo 鎄 alok alok 锿 ...

7.时间轨迹又如核容器在役检测时,焊缝厚度与长度很大,数据量也很大,但又不希望丢掉有用信息,于是可选择波幅时间轨迹ALOK) …


1.This may be about to change, if Alok Sutradhar of Ohio State University has his way.如果来自俄亥俄州州大学的AlokSutradhar的研究方法能够得到实现,上述情况就会有所改变。

2.'Even the poorest person has to have photos of the wedding of his daughter, ' said Alok Bharadwaj, Canon's senior vice president in India.佳能驻印度高级副总裁巴拉华(AlokBharadwaj)说,即使是最穷的人也得有自己女儿婚礼时的照片。

3.The meeting was led by Alok Sheel, a joint secretary of India's ministry of finance and Wang Bao'an, China's assistant finance minister.这次对话是由印度财政部联合秘书阿洛克•谢尔(AlokSheel)和中国财政部部长助理王保安主持的。

4."We've found some stone structures which are clearly man-made, " expedition leader Alok Tripathi told the reporters.“我们发现了一些显然是人工修建的石头结构的建筑物。”探察队领队阿洛克·特里帕蒂对记者说。

5.Naz Sarkar (Labour) and Alok Sharma (Conservative) are both new candidates, and both of Indian descent.纳兹萨卡(工党)和阿洛克夏尔马(保守党)都是新的候选人,而且都是印度裔。

6.Alok Sharma says that if prices continue to increase, his family will have to cut back and consider pfestyle changes.阿洛克·夏尔玛说,如果物价继续攀升,他的家庭将不得不削减开支并考虑改变生活方式。

7.Alok Sharma says that is taking a big bite out of his family's budget. "Our gas bill has gone up 40, 50 percent, " he said.阿洛克·夏尔玛说,这给他的家庭带来很大的财务负担。“我们的汽油费支出已上升了40%到50%。”

8.Ashwarya and Alok Sharma and their two children emigrated to the United States from India 10 years ago.艾西瓦娅和阿洛克·夏尔玛以及他们的两个孩子10年前从印度移民到美国。

9.The author puts people before planet, says Alok Jha.阿洛克•杰哈说:该书的作者重视人类甚于地球。

10.In the absence of regulation "it is a free for all" , said Alok Dhawan, a researcher at the Indian Institute of Toxicology Research.印度毒理学研究所研究员AlokDhawan说,在缺乏管理的时候,“它对所有人都是自由的”。