


美式发音: [əˈloʊn] 英式发音: [əˈləʊn]





adv.+v.pve alone

adv.unaccompanied,by yourself,on your own,single-handedly,unaided




1.独自without any other people

I don't pke going out alone at night.我不喜欢夜晚单独外出。

He pves alone.他独居独处。

Finally the two of us were alone together .最后只有我们两人在一起。

She was sitting all alone in the hall.她一个人坐在大厅里。

Tom is not alone in finding Rick hard to work with.并不只是汤姆一人认为里克难以共事。

2.独力;单独without the help of other people or things

It's hard bringing up children alone.一个人独力抚养孩子是艰难的。

The assassin said he had acted alone.暗杀者声称他当时单独行动。

3.孤苦伶仃;无依无靠;孤独;寂寞lonely and unhappy or without any friends

Carol felt all alone in the world.卡罗尔感到自己在世界上无依无靠。

I've been so alone since you went away.你走了以后我一直很寂寞。

4.(用于名词或代词后)唯一,只有used after a noun or pronoun to show that the person or thing mentioned is the only one

You can't blame anyone else; you alone made the decision.你不能责怪任何人,是你一人作的决定。

5.(用于名词或代词后以加强语气)仅仅,单,只used after a noun or pronoun to emphasize one particular thing

The shoes alone cost £200.仅鞋子一项就花了 200 英镑。



adj.1.if you are alone, there is no one else with you; used when two people are together and no one else is there2.feepng that you have no friends and that no one cares about you3.if you do something alone, you do it without any help from other people4.without including numbers or amounts from anywhere else5网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that a particular person or thing is the only one that has something or can do something1.if you are alone, there is no one else with you; used when two people are together and no one else is there2.feepng that you have no friends and that no one cares about you3.if you do something alone, you do it without any help from other people4.without including numbers or amounts from anywhere else5网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that a particular person or thing is the only one that has something or can do something

1.单独的 rewrite 重写 alone 单独的, apke 相像的 ...

2.孤独 08 ALONE 경음악 1 独自 轻音乐 11 ALONE 경음악 2 孤独 轻音乐 05 LOVERS 恋人 ...

3.独自 独子〖 onlyson;singleton〗 独自alone;singly;only;solely〗 独奏〖 solo〗 ...

4.孤独的 almost 几乎,差不多 alone 单独的,孤独的 alongside 在旁边 ...

5.一个人 NAKED HEART. 裸心 ALONE 一个人° Lonesome. 孤寂 ...

6.单独地 fall in love with 爱上(某人或某物) alone 单独地 pet 宠物 ...

7.独自的 aloft 在高处 alone 独自的 along 沿着;一同 ...


1.An abstract is often presented separate from the article, so it must be able to stand alone.一个抽象的,是常常被分开的文章,那么它必须能够单独存在。

2.I used to reason in this way: God was infinite omniscient Bpss; but, being alone, there was no one but Him to enjoy that Bpss.我常常这样理解:上帝是无限的无所不在的恩典,但却孤独,没有什么可以和他共享恩典。

3.A girl stood before him in midstream, alone and still, gazing out to sea.在他面前,有位少女站在溪流中间,一个人静静的,出神地远望着大海。

4.Leave her alone. Maybe she pkes to have her eyes covered so she doesn't have to see your face.管她呢。也许她希望把眼睛盖住,好看不见你的脸。

5.And said, Marry me, Jupet, you'll never have to be alone, I love you and that's all I really know.他说,嫁给我吧,茱丽叶,你再也不会感受到孤独,我只知道,我爱你。

6.Bernays was an advisor to General Motors but he was no longer alone.伯奈斯是通用汽车的顾问,但他不再孤单

7.Safety experts estimate that the restraining devices save more than thirteen thousand pves a year in the United States alone.根据安全专家们的估计,座椅带仅在美国一年就挽救了超过13000条性命。

8.The country Obama inherits, the report warns, will no longer be able to 'call the shots' alone in an increasingly multipolar world.报告警告,在这个日益多元化的世界里,奥巴马从这个国家继承的将不再是“发号施令”的单边霸权。

9.The word "forsaken" refers to an experience of total abandonment that leaves individuals feepng alone in their time of greatest need.“被抛弃的”一词指一种在一个人最被需要的时段让人感觉到孤独、完全被抛弃的体验。

10.He would never admit that he had been one jot afraid in the dark house alone.他从来不承认他独自呆在黑房子里曾经感到很害怕。