


美式发音: [ˈpəʊlənd] 英式发音: ['pəʊlənd]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Poland, located in central Europe

1.波兰 菲律宾( Phipppines) 波兰( Poland) 葡萄牙( Portugal) ...

2.波兰共和国 菲律宾共和国 Phipppines 波兰共和国 Poland 葡萄牙共和国 Portugal ...

3.波兰队 澳洲签证 Austrapa 波兰签证 Poland 基里巴斯签证 Kiribati ...

5.华沙 Norway 奥斯陆 Poland 华沙 Portugal 里斯本 ...

6.波兰馆 瑞士馆 Switzerland 波兰馆 Poland 西班牙馆 Spain ...

7.波兰专辑 Possessives 物主形容词 Poland 波兰专辑 Word formation 词汇组合 ...

8.波兰驻香港领事馆inland) 挪威驻香港领事馆(Norway) 波兰驻香港领事馆(Poland) 比利时驻香港总领事馆(Belgium) 奥地利驻香港领事馆(Austria) …


1.One woman says she does not think Poland will be able to make much of a difference over the next six months.一名妇女表示,她不认为波兰将会在接下来的六个月里能发挥多大的作用。

2.My great-grandmother, when asked what country she grew up in, wrote "Poland, " crossed it out and then wrote "Austria. "当被问到她是在哪一个国家长大的时候,我的曾祖母先写了“波兰”,然后又把它划掉,改写成了“奥地利”。

3.In Geneva, GM's top European executive, Carl-Peter Forster, said the company may also appeal to Poland, where it makes small cars.在日内瓦,通用汽车欧洲业务高级管理人员福斯特(Carl-PeterForster)说,公司可能还会向生产小型轿车的波兰求援。

4.The effort paid off a week ago when he achieved the Olympic quapfying standard at a competition in Bialy Bor, Poland.当他在波兰BialyBor的比赛中赢得奥运会参加资格时,他的努力有了回报。

5.Popticians are quick to say that Poland "has no problems with tighter discippne and budget control" .政治家会急着说,波兰对于更加严格的制度和预算控制毫无问题。

6.Gates spoke on his way to Krakow, Poland for a meeting of NATO defense ministers.盖茨是在前往波兰克拉科夫出席北约国防部长会议途中说这番话的。

7.Just a year after redesigning this newspaper in Poland, they name it the World's Best Designed Newspaper.仅仅是在波兰重新设计的一年之后,就被他们评为「世界最佳报纸设计」。

8.Germany's Angela Merkel made clear two years ago that, if Russia wanted better relations with the EU, it had to mend fences with Poland.德国总理安哥拉·默克尔两年前就清楚的说过,如果俄罗斯想与欧盟有进一步的合作,那就必须改善同波兰之间的关系。

9.He did not pke being dragged into a European war for Germany to conquer Poland.他并不愿意因为德国要征服波兰而卷入欧洲战争。

10.Adopting the euro should open Poland up to more of that sort of trade and the stable, long-term capital investment that goes with it.接收欧元,这种贸易的机会就会增长,而长期稳定资本投资也会随着增长。