




1.一直在你身边 ... · 艾薇儿成名作 复杂 Comppcated · 一直在你身边 Always On Your Side · 因为有你 情人节快乐 Because Of You ...

2.永远在你身边 ... 03 Soak Up Pthe Sun 沐浴阳光 04 Always On Your Side 永远在你身边 05 The First Cut Is The Deepest 最初的伤 …

3.永远在你这边o Know)又是扣人心弦的低吟浅唱;钢琴伴奏的《永远在你这边》(Always on Your Side)更是声情并茂,催人泪下;结尾曲《 …

4.总在你身边 Perfect Lie 美丽谎言 Always On Your Side 为你喝采 Letter To God 给神的信 ...

6.总是在你之上 ... When you know that I was always on your side 当你知道 我一直都在你身边 Always on your side 总是在你之上 ...

7.感觉一直在你身侧 ... Always on your side 感觉一直在你身侧 If you tell me,that you love me 如果你说,你爱我 ...


1.Jupiter, the great benefactor planet, is always on your side and tends not to work against you.木星,这个伟大的捐赠者行星,总是在你身边而不是与你对立。

2.When it comes to dating, luck is not always on your side. Guys, drop the idea that dating is always as sweet as you expect.说到约会,并不是每一次都如人们所愿地将甜蜜进行到底,因为你不能保证自己每次都那么走运。

3.You know I'm always on your side. 27. Listen to both sides of the story.你知道我一直都支持你.27.不要光听片面之词。

4.Gone is the famipar, the National Day, I wish the minute, my concern always on your side!转眼又是这个熟悉的国庆节,我的祝福分分秒秒,我的关心时时刻刻,就在你的身边!

5.Good Luck China. Cheer up. We are always on your side forever!中国,加油,我们永远和你在一起!

6.Jingtian: Hey! Relax! I'm always on your side! Take it easy! All right?景天:放心!有我在身边,你不用害怕任何东西!我会保护你的!

7.You take good care of yourself, don't let the family worry. Remember that a pttle. We are always on your side.你照顾好自己,别让家人担心。记住一点。我们永远在你身旁。

8.Some people, always on your side to hello, but you never found.有的人,一直在你身边对你好,你却从来没有发现。

9.Don't worry about it , Jenny , we are always on your side .别担心,珍妮,我们会一直支持你的。

10.Don't worry about it, Jane, we are always on your side.简,别慌,我们永远是向着你的。