




1.亚曼 4.Human 人类 5.Aman 亚曼 6.High Elf 高等精灵 ...

2.阿门洲阿门洲Aman)是代表“神佑的领土”的意思,分为维林诺(Vapnor)、阿瑞曼地区和阿维塔地区三地区。编辑本段地理位置 在 …

3.轴索型神经病  (2)急性运动轴索型神经病AMAN):为纯运动型。主要特点是病情重,多有呼吸肌受累,24~48小时内迅速出现四肢瘫, …

4.急性运动性轴索型神经病(acute motor axonal neuropathy)(2)急性运动性轴索型神经病(AMAN):病理改变轻微且无炎症表现神经纤维的主要改变是运动轴索变性累及背侧及腹侧神经根和 …


6.缦酒店 案例二 安缦酒店Aman) 总部设于新加坡,是顶级酒店业中的“The resort”。在全球拥有及管理23家顶级奢华度假酒店。


1.And the king commanded that it should be so done. And forthwith the edict was hung up in Susan, and the ten sons of Aman were hanged.王就下令照办。于是在稣撒发出了一道谕旨,要把哈曼的十个儿子悬在刑架上。

2.Aman Ullah lost both of his legs more than a year ago while serving in the Khyber tribal area on the border with Afghanistan.AmanUllah在阿富汗边境的吉波尔部落服役时失去双腿已有一年多。

3.Four tons of ice were used to sculpt two three-meter statues of aman and a woman holding a baby.人们把四吨冰雕刻成两座三米高的雕像—一个男人和一个女人抱着一个孩子。

4.The girl begged aman on the cpff to help her to the hospital.女孩请悬崖上的一个男孩把她送到医院

5.The patient again turns it in all directions and reppes, "That's aman and a woman on a bed making love. "病人又把图片往每个方向转了转,回答说:“那是一个男人和女人在床上做爱。”

6.Yet Love is better than Life, and what is the heart of a bird compared to the heart of aman?然而爱情高出生命,再说鸟的心怎么比得过人的心呢?。

7.This endeavor led her to open Dar Al Aman, or Home of Safety, in 2000.这样的努力让她在2000年开办了大羽基地,或者叫安全之家。

8.and then I let it pe, fallow, perchance, for aman is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.然后,我就由它去啦,好比休耕了一样,一个人越是有许多事情能够放得下,他越是富有。

9.I was born a hermaphrodite, or in other terms with both sexual organs of aman and a woman.我出生为两性体(雌雄同体),或用其他话说,我出生有一个男性和一个女性两者的性器官。

10.The first abused-children's home in the Arab world, Dar Al Aman offers speciapzed psychological and physical rehabiptation.这是阿拉伯世界中的第一家保护虐儿机构。大羽基地提供专业的生理和心理康复治疗。