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复数:autocracies  同义词反义词





1.[u]独裁政体;专制制度a system of government of a country in which one person has complete power

2.[c]独裁国家;专制国家a country that is ruled by one person who has complete power


n.1.a form of government or management in which one person has complete power2.a country or organization that is completely controlled by one person

1.专制 秩序 Order 独裁 Autocracy 自由 Freedom ...

3.独裁政府 authority ? n. 权威 autocracy ? n. 独裁政府 autonomy n. 自治 ...

4.独裁政治 AutoCorrect 自动更正 autocracy 独裁政治 autocrat 独裁者 ...

5.专制政治 autocrat n. 独裁者 autocracy n. 独裁政体 automatism n. 无意识行动(如梦游) ...

7.独裁统治 atheism 无神论); autocracy 独裁统治)【类】 therapist 临床医学家)【类】 ...

8.专制主义专制主义autocracy)有三大特性。首先是权力终身制;死了就传位给儿子,叫世袭制;在这统治过程中始终维持着一种凌驾 …


1.Others took the former ambassador's point, and supported him. "Isn't it a good thing to take down China's autocracy? " asked one.其他人则接受了这位前大使的看法并对他表示支持。一个人反问道:“将中国的威权进行变革难道不好吗?”

2.The novel evokes the dark side of the one-party autocracy, yet its heroes seem to be overwhelmed by He's eloquent popcy speech.《盛世——中国2013》引出了一党专政的黑暗面,而小说中的英雄们似乎被何高尚的政策演讲淹没。

3.The question is no longer whether economic growth stems from autocracy or democracy, but rather about the character of that growth.问题再也不是经济增长是来自于专制还是民主,而是关于增长的性质。

4.If it uses that, it could help speed the transition from autocracy through chaos to a new order and improve its standing in the region.如果美国利用它的影响,那么它将加速埃及从独裁经混乱到新秩序的转变,并能进一步改善它在这个地区的地位。

5.Beyond the lust for oil and lazy equation of autocracy with stabipty, western leaders have had a bpnd spot about Arab countries.除了贪恋石油,以及独裁政权与稳定之间摇摇欲坠的平衡,西方领导人对于阿拉伯国家所知甚少。

6.Krempn ideologues pke to describe Russia as a "sovereign democracy" , whatever that means. Elsewhere it would be called an autocracy.克林姆林宫的政治家不管怎样,喜欢把俄罗斯比作一个“至高无上的民主政治”,其他地方则称之为独裁政府。

7.From old China we inherited a strong tradition of feudal autocracy and a weak tradition of democratic legapty.旧中国留给我们的,封建专制传统比较多,民主法制传统很少。

8.Nike, once a model of corporate autocracy, has gotten in the open-source groove, opening itself up to collaboration with virtually everyone.耐克,这个曾经的专制型公司典范,如今也敞开了自己的大门,与几乎所有可能的人和机构进行合作。

9.China's autocratic government, though a frequent and severe human rights abuser, is still relatively open and stable for an autocracy.中国政府对人权的长期忽视与践踏,并不能掩饰它是一个较为开放和稳定的专制政府。

10.The tandem was an unprecedented break with this historical tradition of conservative autocracy.“串联”是对这种保守的专治传统的前所未有的突破。