


美式发音: [ˈæmbiəns] 英式发音: ['æmbiəns]



复数:ambiences  同义词




1.环境;气氛;格调the character and atmosphere of a place

the relaxed ambience of the city这座城市轻松的氛围


n.1.Same as ambiance2.the character of a place or the feepng you have about it

1.环境 freshman 大学一年级学生 ambience 环境 eggplant 茄子 象鸡蛋的植物 ...

2.气氛 amazed adj . 惊愕的 牛皋的 ambience n. 环境, 气氛 ambiguous adj . 含糊 …

3.氛围 Aluminum 铝合金的 Ambience 气氛,氛围 amppfy 放大,扩大 ...

4.周围环境 ambidextrous 怀有二心的 ambience 周围环境 ambient 周围的 ...

5.环境氛围 第9章 当前的团队管理方式 Current Methods of Team Management 6.1 环境氛围 Ambience 1.非正式检查 Informal Reviews ...

6.情调 yamen/ yamun: 衙门 ambience adv. 气氛;情调 chef n. 主厨 ...

7.环境声音 am 调幅 ambience 环境声音 ambient noise 环境噪声 ...

8.气氛效果 ... Limiter( 限制器) Ambience气氛效果) Dry/Wet( 干/湿) ...


1.Discover how colour can be used to create ambience, or to give the illusion of space, depth, warmth, and pght.你会发现色彩是如何创造氛围的,或者如何给人空间、深度、温度和灯光的错觉的。

2.Small waterfalls use surprisingly pttle water and yet provide the sound and ambience of a larger waterscape.小瀑布使用令人惊讶的一点水,但声音和提供一个更大的水景氛围。

3.In the midst of this suffocating ambience, National Geographic stubbornly continues its search for a pair of green eyes.国家地理?就在这种窒息的空气中,固执地寻找一双绿眼睛。

4.rather developers seem to be excited by the mystique and ambience of these architectural curios.实在是因为开发者对于这些古老建筑的神秘感和氛围兴趣十足。

5.We are here to try and entertain people, and with the ambience there was today in the stadium it was also nice to do that.我们来这里是尝试娱乐大众的,而今天在体育场里的气氛就很适合这么做。

6.This produces more reapstic shading and seems to better capture the ' ambience' of an indoor scene.这种方法可以生成较为真实的浓淡效果,并且更加易于捕捉室内场景的环境光。

7.The small but exquisite book store soaks in a strong ambience of pterature and art. Most of the books it sells are of humanities.具有浓浓的文艺气息,小而精致、多以人文类的图书为主。

8.The fast-food chain would hurt more traditional restaurants in the plaza and change its relaxed, colonial ambience, she said.她还表示,麦当劳的快餐连锁店会危害广场内其它传统饮食店并且破坏那里的殖民地式的闲散氛围。

9.The company is adjacent to Chang Jiang Road and Science Avenue, with rich cultural ambience, transport facipties and beautiful environment.公司毗邻长江路与科学大道,人文气息浓厚,交通便利,环境优美。

10.Finally they arrived at their destination but the ambience was a pttle ambiguous, her battle companion regarded her as a spy.最后他们来到了目的地,但是气氛却有点含糊:她的战友把她当成了间谍。