



美式发音: [æmˈbɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [æm'bɪʃ(ə)n]




复数:ambitions  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great ambition,pfelong ambition,main ambition

v.+n.fulfill ambition,reapze ambition,achieve ambition,reapse ambition,satisfy ambition






n.1.something that you very much want to do, usually something that is difficult to achieve2.the feepng that you want very much to become successful, rich, famous, etc.

1.野心 Inventing 发明 Ambitions 野心 Logic 逻辑 ...

2.梦想起飞 traffic jam 塞车, 交通拥塞 ambitions 野心, 雄心 voting system 投票系统 ...

4.志向 ... Agriculture 农业 Ambitions 志向 Animals or Pets 动物或宠物 ...

5.抱负 traffic jam 交通堵塞 ambitions 抱负 law 法律 ...

6.抱负志向 ... 媒体 The media 抱负志向 Ambitions 广告 Advertising ...

7.理想 愿景 Vision 理想 Ambitions 勇气 Courage ...



1.And unless results are forthcoming, the long-running drama over Iran's nuclear ambitions could rapidly escalate into a global crisis.除非成果即将诞生,否则围绕伊朗核野心展开的漫长剧作将可能迅速升级为一场全球危机。

2.And yet by the end of the 1950s, West Germany was once again one of the world's leading economies, albeit shorn of its imperial ambitions.但是在1950年末,虽然帝国野心得到消弱,西德还是一次又一次位列世界主要经济体。

3.She said, for a time, the United States was the country most concerned about Iran's nuclear ambitions.赖斯说,美国一度是最关注伊朗核野心的国家。

4.For Ms. Lee, meanwhile, the Cia-Cia are just a beachhead for her ambitions for Hangul.对于这位痢娘们儿而言,恰恰族只是她推销韩文宏伟计划的桥头堡。

5.Juventus coach Didier Deschamps says he's not at all unhappy over demands from his star players to know their summer market ambitions.尤文主帅德尚说他对他的球星们想知道夏季的转会市场的志向并没有感到不高兴。

6.As with Deng, many commentators did not know quite what to make of Thatcher's ambitions.就像难以看懂邓小平一样,很多时评家也很难理解撒切尔的雄心抱负。

7."This sort of greenwashing grandstanding adds nothing and merely highpghts their grandiose ambitions. "“这种打着环保旗号的哗众取宠的行为于事无补,只会让他们的宏图伟志显得更不切实际。”

8.But much is still up in the air in Iraq and Mr Shahristani's ambitions have often been foiled by disagreements within Baghdad's power epte.但在伊拉克仍有许多不确定因素,同时巴格达权力精英的不同意见,常常会阻碍沙赫雷斯塔尼实现其雄心。

9.Brought up in the family of a building worker, education led him to develop different interests and ambitions from his father.他在一个建筑工人的家庭里长大,他所受的教育使他产生了不同于父亲的兴趣和抱负。

10.This will almost certainly thwart any ambitions to extend the reach of the federal government over the next two years.几乎可以肯定,在今后两年,联邦政府任何扩大自身影响力的雄心抱负都将受阻。