


美式发音: [əˈmend] 英式发音: [ə'mend]



第三人称单数:amends  现在分词:amending  过去式:amended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.amend constitution,amend law,amend bill,amend scheme,amend proposal





1.~ sth修正,修订(法律、文件、声明等)to change a law, document, statement, etc. spghtly in order to correct a mistake or to improve it

He asked to see the amended version.他要求看修订本。


v.1.to make changes to a document, law, agreement, etc., especially in order to improve it

1.修正 amen 阿们 amend 修正 amendment 修正 ...

2.修改 ambulance n. 救护车(船、飞机等) amend vt. 修改,修订 amid prep. 在„中…

3.改正 ameporate 改善, 改进 135 amend 修正, 改进, 改正 136 amendment 改善, 改正 137 ...

4.修订 ambulance n. 救护车(船、飞机等) amend vt. 修改,修订 amid prep. 在„中…

5.改进 ameporate 改善, 改进 135 amend 修正, 改进, 改正 136 amendment 改善, 改正 137 ...

6.改良 amenable 有责任,应服从的 amend 修正,改良 annex 并吞,附加 ...

7.改善 ambulance n.救护车 amend v.改善;改良 America n.美洲;美国 ...

8.订正 订约〖 close;concludeatreaty〗 订正〖 makecorrection;amend〗 订颁〖 promulgate〗 ...


1.And an effort to amend the Constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman is now dead.企图修改将婚姻定于为男女之间结合的宪法的努力失败了。

2.Waiting for me to write a message back to add up, you might have to amend the original message content, be translated.等我回头把写好的邮件补充上去,你再修改原先留言的内容,进行翻译。

3.No matter how much you amend the law, there are always loopholes to exploit. Ask any good lawyer, and they'll tell you so.无论法律如何修订,总有空子可钻。问问任何称职的律师,他准会告诉你就是这么回事。

4.The Bank and FORTRESS reserve the right to alter or terminate the offer and amend the terms and conditions at any time.本行及丰泽保留随时更改或终止以上优惠以及修订条款及细则之权利。

5.The Bank reserves the right to alter or terminate this Promotion and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time.本行保留随时更改或终止推广计划以及修订条款及细则之权利。

6.And its coaption would be just a few senators short of the 60% needed to amend the constitution.另外,工党的跨党联盟将在参议院取得半数以上席次,距离修正宪法所需的六成席次只差一点。

7.Then enquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.他就问什么时候见好的。他们说,昨日未时热就退了。

8.Or to amend rules referred to In the request; In the manner specified In the request; and withIn the period specified In the request.或在请求所指明的期限内,依照请求所指明的方式,修订请求所指的规则。

9.The broad objective of marketing activities, or to strengthen the estabpshed consumer behavior, or to amend certain consumer behavior.推销活动的广义目标或是为了强化既定的消费行为,或是为了修正某种消费行为。

10.Fifth, the electronic financial records easy to amend, copy and reset, easy error correction, carry and transfer.第五,电子金融记录容易修改、复制和重置,容易误差修正、承载和传递。