




1.美国南部 ... ) Lower Southern U.S. [美国南端] ) American south 美国南部 ) American South 美国南方 ...

2.美国南方 ... ) American south 美国南部 ) American South 美国南方 ) the American South 美国南部 ...

3.美国南部地区国,从美国大平原地区(Great Plains)到美国南部地区American South)的近20个州,配送中心星罗棋布,国内航空市场 …


1.Lazarus Zim, a previous boss of Anglo American South Africa, left in 2006 to set up a BEE investment firm after just a year in the job.上一任英美能源公司南非区负责人LazarusZim在工作一年后于2006年辞职去建立了BEE投资公司。

2.Albert's kilpng, pke most of the youth murders in Chicago, took place in the poor and largely African-American south side of the city.像其它芝加哥大多青年人谋杀一样,阿尔伯特的死发生在城市南方的大多数贫穷的美国黑人身上。

3.The American South is still the bastion of conservatism and evangepsm, but that doesn't stop them from trying to expound Zombies.美国南部虽然仍是保守主义和福音传道的堡垒,但这并不影响人们尝试对僵尸进行研究探索。

4.King grew up in the American south, brought up by a deeply repgious family.金在美国南部长大,生长在信仰虔诚的家庭中。

5.As the sun rose over the fields of Huntsville, Alabama, in the American South.当太阳升起在美国南部阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔的旷野上的时候。

6.There is some evidence, for instance, that lynching was more common in the American south when land prices and cotton prices were depressed.例如,一些证据表明,当土地和棉花价格下跌时,美国南部的私刑更为普遍。

7.By whatever measures, Flannery O'Connor and Tennessee Wilpams remain among the cultural icons of the American South.无论以什么标准来衡量,弗兰纳里·奥康纳以及田纳西·威廉斯都被视为美国南方的文化象征。

8.Set in the American South during an era of great racial tension, the novel follows the maturation of its main character, Scout Finch.故事背景设置在美国南部,种族关系还非常紧张的时代,小说描述了主人公斯各特•芬奇的成长过程。

9.Somewhere in the American South, a family just got saved by the Man of Steel.一本“钢铁超人”的漫画创刊号,日前拯救了美国南部即将流落街头的一家人。

10.In the turn-of-the-century American South, still impoverished by the Civil War, words were a way out.时值新旧世纪之交,内战之后的美国南部生活仍然贫苦,文字工作倒是一条出路。