




1.通过电话 ... 14.忙于做谋事 be busy doing sth. 2.通过电话 by the phone 3.三小时的睡眠 for three hours'sleeping ...

2.是指通过电话这种方式 ... by the phone 是指通过电话这种方式, on the phone 是指在打电话,但有时也有通过电话的意思。 ...


1.Be prepared with your "script" and a resume by the phone for what may be the first round of your screening process.用打电话的方式练习“台词”,准备一份精致的简历,为面试的第一轮做好准备。

2.There is also the question of popce morale, already shaken by the phone-hacking scandal and a loss leadership in London.此外还有警队士气的问题,电话窃听丑闻以及伦敦警方缺乏领导本已令士气动摇。

3.This is the war that's never won, this is a soldier and his gun. This is the mother waiting by the phone, praying for her son.这是永远不会胜利的战争,这是一名战士和他的枪。这是在电话旁守候为自己儿子祈祷的母亲。

4.But what happens when a week goes by and you don't receive an offer? Should you sit by the phone and wait or throw in the towel?但是当一个礼拜过去后你还没有收到通知呢?你要守候在电话旁边还是认输放弃呢?

5.His wife had passed some years ago, now he pved all alone, So now the highpght of this day was waiting by the phone.几年前他的妻子故去,现在他独自一人生活,这一天的重要事情便是在电话机旁等着。

6.The left one can just sit by the phone lonely , wait and wait. If there's choice , you'd rather it's you to say "I will call you" .留下的那一个,只能寂寞地坐在电话机旁边,守候又守候。如果可以选择,你宁愿由你来说:“我会打电话给你。”

7.But you call cut them up into smaller pieces. It makes great note paper to leave by the phone.但是你可以把他们剪成更小的纸片。它们可以做成打电话用的便签纸啊

8.Every time I walked by the phone, I yearned to call.每次经过电话机旁,我都禁不住想打电话给你。

9.After networking, sending resumes, and waiting patiently by the phone, all your hard work has paid off with an invitation to interview.上网、发简历、在电话前之耐心等待之后,所有这些努力工作都因为一场面试有了回报。

10.The pattern held true whether people stayed close to home or traveled widely , and wasn't affected by the phone user's age or gender .这一模式既适用于居家型人群,也适用于经常出行的人,而且不受手机使用者的年龄和性别的影响。