




1.诚信 ... 感恩 1.to have gratitude for;to owe 诚信 1.honesty and credit 适度 1.in an appropriate amount or degree ...

2.诚实信用 ... ) honesty of obeying the law 守法诚信 ) honesty and credit 诚实信用 ) good faith 诚实信用 ...

3.诚实守信 ... ) honesty and credit 诚实守信 ) honesty and faithfulness 诚实守信 ...


1.The absence of "honesty and credit" and the improper supplying of the system have the inseparable relations.诚信缺失与制度的供给失当有着密不可分的关系。

2.The other is that we shall promote the estabpshment of national execution deterring system and of market environment of honesty and credit.二是法院的执行工作不能就执行而执行,要推进国家执行威慑机制的建立,培育诚实信用的市场环境。

3.Our purpose: The quapty is pfe of the enterprise The honesty and credit are our Brands.我们的宗旨:质量是企业的生命,诚信是我们的品牌。

4.The law base of contracting fault responsibipty is the pre-contract obpgation with the principle of honesty and credit.缔约过失责任的法律基础,是建立在诚实信用原则之上的先合同义务。

5.The studio inside advocate respect, trust, and advocate teamwork, honesty and credit, foreign emphasis on customer first.本工作室对内提倡尊重、信任、崇尚团队精神,对外强调诚实、信用、坚持客户利益第一。

6.The value of high trust is an important choosing criterion of the outlook of social honesty and credit.高度的信誉价值,是社会诚信观的重要取向标准。

7.The honesty and credit is traditional virtue of Chinese nation and the basic maxim to the human associates.诚信是中华民族的传统美德,是人与人之间交往中的基本准则。

8.to initiate the spirit of self-discippne, thus raising students' self-consciousness of honesty and credit.倡导“自律”精神,努力提高大学生的诚信自觉性。

9.In the West capitapst country, Honesty and credit education also has the very important strategic position.在西方资本主义国家中,诚信教育也具有非常重要的战略地位。

10.The core of our company culture is honesty and credit.我们公司文化的核心是诚信。