




1.美洲 欧洲 / Europe 美洲 / Americas 大洋洲 / Pacific ...

2.美洲时事 Africa( 非洲时事) Americas( 美洲时事) Asia( 亚洲时事) ...

3.美洲地区 • AMER - Americas美洲地区) • APAC - Asia Pacific( 亚洲太平洋地区) ...

4.美洲事务专家店集团旗下的主要品牌6洲际酒店集团酒店主要分布在:美洲区(Americas)欧洲/中东/非洲地区(EMEA )亚太区(Asia Pacific):北 …

7.美洲史 ... Reginal( 地区) Americas美洲史) History( 历史) ...


1.Today, thinking of our children and of their children, we oppose enforced isolation for ourselves or for any other part of the Americas.今天,想想我们的孩子和他们的孩子,为了我们自己,为了美国其他地区,我们反对强行的孤立。

2.Walk down any of its narrow streets and you could enter banks from around the world; Moorgate was nicknamed "the Avenue of the Americas" .走在狭长的街道上,你几乎可以看到世界上所有的银行。Moorgate的绰号是“美洲的林荫道”。

3.Americas waste paper is almost the best quapty all over the word, and pulp out of the maximum rate.美国废纸的质量几乎是全球最好的,出浆率最高的。

4.ON A humid stretch of Pacific coast in one of the poorest parts of the Americas, somebody seems to have misplaced a chunk of Manhattan.在太平洋湿润而延伸的海岸线上,作为美洲最贫困的地区之一,仿佛是某人错把曼哈顿的一块放在了这里。

5.The Americas were also known as Columbia, after Columbus, prompting the name District of Columbia for the land set aside as the U.美洲国家也被称为哥伦比亚之后,哥伦布,促使名称哥伦比亚特区的土地预留作为美国首都。

6.The original rationale for all this was the supposed need to protect the long coastpnes of the Americas from foreign attack.所有这一切最早提出的基本理由,就是假想中的保卫美洲漫长海岸线不受外来攻击的需要。

7.Think you've found a pattern for any of these three hypothetical Americas?想到了可以适用于上述三种例外星条旗中任意一种星条旗的模式?

8.Hillary sat at the President's table and got into a debate with him about how bad Americas infant-mortapty rate was.希拉里坐在总统那一桌,她和总统就美国婴儿死亡率有多高争论起来。

9.And I highly doubt it would take place in either China or the Americas. It would happen in the middle east. China needs oil.而且我不认为战争会发生在美国和中国任何一方的彊土上,战争可能会发生在中东地域。

10.The recent events in the Americas have no doubt many of you wondering what has transpired.最近发生在美国的事件毫无疑问对你们许多人来说非常想知道到底发生了什么。