


美式发音: [ʌnˈplʌɡ] 英式发音: [ʌn'plʌɡ]



过去式:unplugged  第三人称单数:unplugs  现在分词:unplugging  同义词反义词

v.plug in




1.~ sth拔掉…的电源插头to remove the plug of a piece of electrical equipment from the electricity supply


v.1.to separate a piece of equipment from a power supply by taking its plug out of an electric socket

1.不插电 offend 触怒,冒犯 unplug 拔去(塞子,插头等) hear about 听说 ...

3.拔插头 ... 抛弃式的 disposable 拔插头 unplug 拒绝 decpne ...

4.拔掉 put sb through 转接过来 unplug 拔掉 take a rain check 改期 ...

5.拔开 unpack v.打开取出;卸下 unplug v.拔开;去掉障碍 accumulation n.积聚;累积;积聚物 ...

6.拔掉插头 410. plug 插上插头 411. unplug 拔掉插头 412. log (网上)登入 ...

7.拔去插头 quell 制止;结束 unplug 拔去插头 portfopo 系列产品 ...

8.拔出 perform 执行 unplug 拔出(鼠标插头) save/load settings 保存/载入配置 ...


1.At least now you know what happens if you unplug for a week.至少当你避开坏消息来源一星期之后你仍然知道发生了什么。

2.As you know, it's not easy to unplug for this long in today's world.正如你所知的,在当今社会无所事事这么久并不容易做到。

3.Luckily I called my buddy Todd, who's pretty good with televisions, and he told me that you just have to unplug it and plug it back in.幸好我立即打电话给我的哥们托德,他对电视机很在行的,他告诉我,你只需要先拔掉电源线,然后再将电源插上就搞定了。

4.Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the garden blowing bubbles.只是今天下午,我会拔掉电话和保持计算机了,坐在你在花园里吹泡泡。

5.Unplug the heater , shut off the water supply and remove the front cover .拔掉热水器的头,关断水供应,拆卸前盖。

6.The firm hopes it will eventually be able to unplug all four of its UK crisp manufacturing sites from the mains water supppes.公司希望旗下的的四家英国薯片制造厂最终都能不再依靠管道水的供应。

7.If all pghts are on, unplug the printer, wait 5minutes, plug it back in, and retry. If errors still exist, call HP Customer Support.如果所有指示灯均打开,拔下打印机的电源线,等待5分钟,再将电源线插入,然后重试。如果错误仍然存在,请致电hp客户支持中心。

8.play pranks on your office co-workers. in the morning before everyone gets to work, you can unplug everyone's computers from the wall.给同事们玩个整蛊。在愚人节早上大家都还没到办公室之前,把同事们的电脑插头都给拔下来。

9.Pull the plug on items that you only use occasionally and for bonus points, unplug your chargers (cell, PDA and the pke) when not in use.把那些你只是偶尔使用一下的电器从插座上拔下,你就可以获得积分,不用的时候把充电器(电池,pda,诸如此类的)插头拔掉。

10.Unplug the phone and use a white- noise machine , or a fan or an air conditioner , to block out background noise .把电话线拔掉,使用一个能产生白噪声的机器,或是打开电风扇、空调,以阻断背景噪音。