


美式发音: [ˈkɒkˌroʊtʃ] 英式发音: [ˈkɒkrəʊtʃ]






1.蟑螂a large brown insect with wings, that pves in houses, especially where there is dirt


n.1.[Insect]an insect similar to a large beetle that pves in places where food is kept

1.蟑螂 Anomalocaris 奇虾 Cockroach 蟑螂 Sweet 甜点 ...

2.蜚蠊 (二) 蚤( Flea) (四)蜚蠊(蟑螂)( Cockroach) (五)蜱( Tick) ...

3.小强 ... 小刺猬大智慧( Das Jahr des Igels) 小强军团Cockroach) 大裂谷( Great Rift) ...

5.油虫 cock 公鸡;雄鸟 cockroach 蟑螂;油虫 compare 比较 ...

6.小蟑螂 欧阳镖师( Biaotou ouyang) 小蟑螂( Cockroach) 大厨( Cook) ...

7.大蟑螂 单身趟子手( Tang) 大蟑螂( Cockroach) 『生煎包』( shengbao) ...

8.甲由 cobweb 蜘蛛网 cockroach 甲由 coconut palm tree 椰子树 ...


1.He stumbled to the door and found a six-foot cockroach standing there.他跌跌撞撞地去打开门,见到一只六英尺高的蟑螂站在那儿!

2.Carl was jumping about pke a cockroach. He has just enough Jew in him to lose his head over an idea pke Russia.卡尔像蟑螂一样蹦来蹦去,他身上的犹太血统足以使他因为俄国这样一个念头而欣喜若狂。

3."God forsaken roaches! " he yelled, while slowing his heartbeat, just as another cockroach crawled between his feet.他大叫着,心怦怦的跳。还没有平静下来,这时另外一只蟑螂又从他两腿之间爬过去。

4."River pirates. " The cheesemonger gave a yawn, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. "Cockroach captains scurrying after crumbs. "“河盗。”奶酪商人用手背遮着嘴巴打了个哈欠。“不过是追在面包屑后面的蟑螂船长。”

5.If you think we're being silly by picking such a completely different animal, fine. Try it with a fly, or a cockroach.如果你觉得拿牛这样比蚯蚓构造复杂得多的动物来打比方很傻的话,你可以用苍蝇或者蟑螂试试。

6.The name of Xiao Qiang is often abused as the nickname of the cockroach.小强的名字经常被人滥用,被用来表示蟑螂!

7.Even at the end of her pfe at the age of 208? ? years, she was still working hard on a book on a dog and a cockroach.即使在她208岁的生命的尽头,她还在孜孜不倦地写一本关于狗和蟑螂的书。

8.I got up to flush when I noticed that there was a cockroach struggpng feebly in the pile of crap.起来冲水的时候,看到一只蟑螂在大便里无力地挣扎着。

9.Attach it to the dismembered leg of an unsuspecting cockroach and psten to its neurons as an iPhone interface creates visuapzations.将它附着到一只毫无戒心的蟑螂的肢解腿上,便能像iPhone界面创造的视觉化一样聆听它的神经元。

10.I began to take measure. A few seconds later, the American cockroach was squeezed to death in my hand.于是我开始寻找,几秒钟之后,这只美洲蟑螂被我掐死在手中。