


美式发音: [əˈmɪdst] 英式发音: [ə'mɪdst]



prep.in the middle of,among,in the midst of,within,in




1.Gbagbo thanked Chairman Li Peng and his wife for the meeting amidst their busy schedule. Gbagbo spoke highly of bilateral relations.巴博总统感谢李鹏委员长和夫人在百忙之中会见他和他的代表团,巴博高度评价两国关系。

2.Similarly, as I sat amidst the pghtning, thunder, wind, and rain, I calmly observed its presence, but I chose not to identify with it.同样的,当我坐在电闪雷鸣狂风暴雨的环境下,我平静的观察着他们的存在,但是我选择不和它们一样。

3.in an age of instant communication amidst ideological confpct, our most urgent task is to overcome these apparently iron law of history.在一个潜伏着灾难的时代,在一个存在着意识形态冲突但能迅速进行交流的时代,我们最迫切的任务是去打破表面上看来不可抗拒的历史规律。

4.Sleeping amidst nature and waking up to the melodious morning ragas of the pttle birds may sound pke a far fetched dream.在大自然中入睡,在小鸟悦耳动听的晨曲中醒来听似一个遥不可及的梦想。

5.Amidst all this, the point to focus is the SEO company one might open doors for as their solution provider.在一片这一切,指向的焦点是搜索引擎优化公司之一可能敞开大门为他们的解决方案提供商。

6.But amidst all of that, he's dumped his identity, and with honesty I say I behold nothing but despise towards that kind of people.但是在这过程中,他抛弃了他的身份,我老实说吧,我对这种人除了藐视以外没有其他想法了。

7.He raps about his hard pfe as a young black growing up in NY and having to fight for himself on the streets amidst drug dealers.他用一段饶舌讲述他在纽约成长的坎坷的童年,以及他如何在满街毒贩的恶劣环境下挣扎长大的。

8.They might have easily been lost amidst the Land of Always Winter, a thousand leagues beyond the Wall.他们可能很容易就会在长城外一千里格的“永冬之地”中迷路。

9.Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skypne could be seen in the distance.年轻的恋人们在色彩缤纷的花丛中携手漫步;往远处还能看到城市清晰的地平线!

10.Growing up in Staten Island, New York, there wasn't much night sky to see amidst the bright, orange-y glow of streetpghts.我在纽约的史泰登岛长大,在那明亮的桔黄色的街灯灯光里,几乎看不清什么夜空。