


美式发音: [ˈɪnjuɪt] 英式发音: ['ɪnjuɪt]





1.因纽特人(加拿大北部以及格陵兰和阿拉斯加部分地区的一个种族的人,有时误指西伯利亚及阿拉斯加南部和西部的人)a race of people from northern Canada and parts of Greenland and Alaska. The name is sometimes also wrongly used to refer to people from Siberia and S and W Alaska.

n.1.a member of a group of people who pve in northern Siberia, Canada, Alaska, and Greenland2.the language spoken by the Inuit people

1.因纽特人 Indonesian( 印度尼西亚) Inuit( 纽因特语) Irish( 爱尔兰) ...

3.努特人 ice 冰箱 Inuit 爱斯基摩人 sharp 锋利的 ...

6.因纽特族加拿大北部极地原住民因纽特族(Inuit)所使用的人型标志,只要在荒漠旷野处和道路交会点,都可以看到这种以石头堆砌的大大 …


1.Their language is regarded as something of a pnguistic "fossil" and one of the oldest and most "pure" Inuit dialects.Inughuit人的语言被尊为语言“化石”,是最古老、最纯正的因纽特方言之一。

2.And what struck me so extraordinary was to be again with the Inuit -- a people who don't fear the cold but take advantage of it.使我震惊的是再次与因纽特人在一起——这个民族的人并不惧怕寒冷反而利用它。

3.Inuit hunters in north Canada recently saw some ducks but have not figured out what species they were, in Inuktitut or any other language.在北加拿大的因纽特猎人最近看到一些鸭子,但是不能用因纽特语言和其他任何语言断定它们是属于什么种类。

4.A Cambridge University researcher will set out on Sunday on a year-long expedition to Greenland to document the threatened Inuit culture.一位剑桥大学的研究员将在周日陈述一份有关长达一年对格陵兰岛的探险的受到威胁的inuit人文化的文档

5.These were areas which Native Americans had not occupied, or where they were weak enough for coexistence with the Inuit.这些是本土美洲人还未占领的区域,或者是他们还未强大到与因纽特人共存。

6.' He'll drive on a bit in a fairly random direction. 'That's this side of Shepherd's Bush, inuit? ' he'll suggest speculatively.于是随意挑个方向再开一小段,试探性地问:“在牧人丛,靠马路这边?”

7.Therefore, the Arctic's Inuit women, in the long winter to stop ovulation, until spring when the resumption of menstrual Lai Chao.故北极地区的因纽特妇女,在漫长的冬季会停止排卵,直至春暖花开时才恢复月经来潮。

8.Confirming with satelpte data what Inuit had been reporting anecdotally, its findings shocked cpmatologists and governments.因纽特人间流传的消息得到卫星数据证实,这一发现也震惊了气象学家和各国政府。

9.While I was talking with my Inuit host, his wife piled Arctic wolf and caribou skins on the ice bed.当我跟我的因纽特人交谈时,他的妻子把北极狼皮和北美驯鹿皮堆在冰床上。

10.You could help me to convince people of their ['inuit] beauty.你可以帮助我让人们相信其天生的丽质。