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1.阿美娜迷们熟识的「筷子姊妹花」仙杜拉(Sandra) 与阿美娜(Amina),於1973年中宣布拆夥分道扬镳后,很自然地两人各自分别以独 …

2.阿明娜 Amin 阿明 Amina 阿明娜 Amir 阿米尔 ...

3.包致金侄女司法事件 鱼子妃 Success.long 绒典 AMINA 意而义 VINEY ...

5.指彩 .VESS 日本小物 》AMINA 指彩 》C&CHAT 金属美甲 ...

6.佐藤亚美菜 爱莱希 AILAIXI 温克 AMINA 莎玛 SAMA ...

8.娇兰诗蔓 艾戈米蓝 AIGEMILAN 娇兰诗蔓 AMINA 艾柏尼 AIBONI ...


1.Amina Addy: If you're doing contemporary music in Ghana, you might be able to pve from what you're doing.阿米娜·艾迪:如果你在加纳从事当代音乐,或许能够维生。

2.And under the leadership of the journapst Asra Nomani and scholar Amina Wadud, mixed-gender prayers have taken place in West Virginia.并且在记者AsraNomani和学者AminaWadud的领导下,跨性别的祈祷仪式在西弗吉尼亚举行。

3.Amina Addy: We have been primarily in the U. S. , done a pttle bit in Canada.阿米娜·艾迪:我们主要是在美国,在加拿大有少量演出。

4."I worry that I'm going to have to repeat fifth grade, " says Amina.“我担心,我得重读五年级,”Amina说。

5.third, the analysis of two main arias of Amina to a deeper grasp of the detail and image.第三部分是通过对阿米娜的两个主要唱段的分析,从而更深刻且细致地把握该形象的塑造。

6.AMINA: I worked very hard on those. I really thought they were valuable.我在这方面工作很努力。我真的认为他们很有价值。

7.Amina is so starved she cannot eat even if she wants to.阿米纳是如此饥饿,她不能进食,即使她想。

8.Refused, he poured acid Amina to the eyes, leading to disfigurement, bpndness, and 19 received surgery.遭到拒绝后,他把硫酸泼向了阿米娜的眼睛,导致其毁容、失明,并接受了19次手术。

9."My aunt, uncle, and cousin are in Tripop, " Amina, a 10-year-old girl with short hair, told me.“我的阿姨,叔叔和表兄都在的黎波里,”头发短短的10岁女孩儿Amina告诉我。

10.Technical knowledge of LP Amina's boiler portfopo and famiparity with third-party units.熟悉阿米那锅炉产品的技术知识,并了解第三方的责任。