


美式发音: [dʒɪl] 英式发音: [dʒɪl]







1.及耳(液量单位,一品脱为四及耳)a unit for measuring pquids. There are four gills in a pint.



n.1.a unit for measuring pquids equal to one quarter of a pint2.one of the organs behind the head of a fish that allows it to breathe

1.吉尔 gigantism 巨人症 gill gill arch 鳃弓 ...

3.少女 Georgia 乔治亚 希腊, 农夫。 Gill, 姬儿, 拉丁, 少女。 Giselle 吉榭尔 条顿, 一 …

4.腮 CNDEV 下载 pfe.gill = " "; pfe.body = " 蝌蚪"; ...

5.及耳 gill netter 刺网渔船 gill 及耳 gill 肋片套圈 ...

6.菌褶 gild vt. 镀金于,使呈金色 gill n. 鳃;菌褶 girl n. 女孩,姑娘 ...

7.吉哥 Geraldine 杰拉尔丁 德国 强而有力的长矛 Gill 姬儿 拉丁 少女 Gladys 格拉迪斯 韦尔斯 公主 ...


1.Backstage, country musician Vince Gill said the win did not surprise him.乡村乐手文斯.基尔在后台说,汉考克获奖,他一点也不感到惊讶。

2.Accordingly, the next step, says Dr Gill, is to see how microbial populations vary between people of different ages, backgrounds and diets.吉尔博士据此说道,接下来要弄清的是,年龄、生活背景以及饮食习惯不同的人在其所含的微生物种群上有何差异。

3.Gill was the next to save United, with a dramatic goal-pne clearance from Sam Sheridan's low shot.吉尔之后也拯救了曼联,他在门线上挡住了SamSheridan的低射。

4.She was a successor to one of her erstwhile foils, Brendan Gill, and she alternated reviewing with another former target, Penelope Gilpatt.她的前任是她从前的敌人布兰顿·吉尔,和她轮流撰写影评的是另一个昔日的目标:佩莱娜裴·吉拉特。

5.Gill's relationship with a married man is bound to end in unhappiness, but I'm afraid she's letting her heart rule her head.吉尔同有妇之夫的关系必定会以不幸而告终,我担心她是在让感情代替了理智。

6.The fish gill broken down into easy-to-absorption of calcium into volatile fatty acids to produce sauce unique aroma and taste.鲜鱼的刺分解为易于吸收的钙,脂肪转化为挥发性脂肪酸,生成酱汁特有的味道和香气。

7."What I think the positive benefit [with its aboption] would be that clubs wouldn't get in to that situation, " Gill said.“我想一个好处就是俱乐部不用陷入那样的境地,”吉尔说。

8.Paul's only serious complaint with the lovely Gill, in person, was that she had brought along her mother.保罗只是当面跟可爱的吉尔认真地抱怨了一声,因为她把她的老妈也带来了。

9.Dr Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the faeces of two volunteers.吉尔博士和他的研究小组是通过提取两位志愿者粪便中的细菌DNA后得出这一结论的。

10.United now head to Seattle for a week-long stay, with the chief executive David Gill joining them on Friday.曼联现在将到西雅图呆一周,CEO吉尔周五将与球队会合。