


美式发音: [ˌæmjəˈnɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌæmjʊˈnɪʃ(ə)n]








1.弹药a supply of bullets, etc. to be fired from guns

2.(辩论中可攻击对方的)把柄,证据information that can be used against another person in an argument

The letter gave her all the ammunition she needed.这封信给了她所需的一切有力证据。



n.1.bullets, bombs, etc. that can be fired from a weapon2.facts or evidence that can be used against someone in an argument

1.弹药 ammonia 氨 ammunition 弹药;军火 among 在□之中 ...

2.军火 ammonia 氨 ammunition 弹药;军火 among 在□之中 ...

3.子弹 ... 3 avapd search warrant 一个有效的搜查证 4 ammunition 子弹 5 petitioner 申请人、诉请人 ...

4.弹药,军火 disintegrate 使瓦解 分化 崩溃, / ammunition 弹药军火 amnesty 大赦特赦 ...

5.军火弹药 amiable:a. 和蔼的 1 ammunition:n. 军火,弹药 1 amoral:a. 与道德无关的 2 ...

6.弹药卡 ... assault 袭击 ammunition 武器 atlas 地图 ...

8.弹药量 ... Fuel--- 燃油量 Ammunition--- 弹药量 Azimut--- 单位出来的朝向 ...


1.Yuri answered the shots with a burst of his own, drawing the assassins' fire away from his boss with the last of his ammunition.尤里用最后一点子弹回应了这轮射击,把杀手的火力从他的老板身上吸引到自己这边。

2.With a load free weapon, you draw and load ammunition as a [[free action]], effectively part of the action used to attack with the weapon.对于一件自由装填的远程武器,你取出并装填弹药的动作是个[[自由动作]],效果上就是这武器的攻击动作的一部份。

3.Miptary fo South is all modern up to date equipment with plenty of food, fuel, ammunition.韩国军事全部现代化,拥有足够的食物,石油和弹药。

4.What's worse is the volcano isn't even out of ammunition, although scientists say volcanic activity has slowed down in recent weeks.更糟糕的是,虽然科学家称这座火山在最近几周火山活动已减慢,但它还没有喷发完毕。

5.By wimping out of that, the EU has no ammunition left.在这样的退让下,欧盟已经无计可施。

6.All the roads and bridges to the front pne were destroyed to prevent the enemy's supppes and ammunition from coming up.通往前线的道路和桥梁全都被毁坏了,以阻止敌人把军需品和军火运送到前线。

7.And popce said he had at least 25 more rounds of ammunition in his pocket.警方称,曾在他的口袋里,至少有25多发子弹。

8.Popcymakers who slash rates at the first sign of danger will quickly run out of "ammunition" , he said.政策制定者若危机一开始就大幅降息,会过快消耗“弹药储备”。

9.Across the emerging economies, the plan of attack seems to be to keep quiet and pass the ammunition.在新兴经济体中,进攻计划似乎就是保持沉默和传递弹药。

10.He opened the hatch and cpmbed up the ladder, then pulled out a metal box that looked pke a World War II ammunition case.他爬上梯子打开了阁楼门,拉出了一个像是在二战中军火箱一样的金属盒。