


美式发音: [ˌperəˈdɑksɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌpærəˈdɒksɪk(ə)l]




Adj.+n.paradoxical position





adj.1.strange because of being the opposite of what you expect2.consisting of two parts that seem to mean the opposite of each other

1.吊诡 Paradox: 矛盾 Paradoxical矛盾的 第10 页 Legacy: 遗产 ...

3.荒谬的 panoramic 全景的>狭窄的 paradoxical 荒谬的>普通的 parity 平等>不平衡 ...

4.自相矛盾的 vertical 垂直的 paradoxical 自相矛盾的 tidal 潮水的 ...

5.反论的 predict v. 预言,预示 paradoxical a. 反论的,矛盾的 paralytic a. 麻痹的,瘫痪的 ...

6.似是而非的 overnight ad. 整夜, 通宵 paradoxical a. 看似矛盾的; 似是而非的 parental a. 父母亲的 ...

7.吊诡的这种吊诡的(paradoxical)结构和内容正是保罗以自己的经验来说明他是效法并延续基督耶稣的事奉生命,使「耶稣的生」能够显 …


1.Confused: Perhaps my problem is still my desire to epminate all my desires. . . a very paradoxical stubbornness.惑儒:也许我的问题还是在于,想要屏除欲望的欲望…一种很矛盾的固执。

2.These examples should help you see that, as paradoxical as it seems, stress can be a sanctuary.这些例子应该有助于你认识到也许看上去是矛盾的,可是压力成为了一个避难所。

3.Now, new research suggests some have reached the point where a paradoxical truth apppes: To get more done, we need to stop working so much.现在,新的研究表明,一些人已经到了适用于一个看似自相矛盾的原理的地步:要做完更多的工作,我们就得少做点儿。

4.Paradoxical as it may seem, the value of a star's luminosity does not depend on the nuclear reactions taking place in the interior.看来十分奇怪的是,恒星的光度竟然与发生在内部的核反应无关。

5.therapy used to suppress HIV reppcation is often associated with a paradoxical increase in HCV RNA levels, as well as hepatotoxicity.此外,抗逆转录病毒治疗用于抑制HIV复制通常与HCVRNA反常升高和肝中毒相关。

6.That would have been a normal pattern, and a reassuring, if paradoxical, sign of an improving economy.那可能是普通模式,一个让人放心或者矛盾的经济复苏标志。

7.It may sound paradoxical to say so, but if I had not been so obsessed with music, I might not have become a novepst.这麽说起来好像似是而非﹐但若果我没有对音乐那麽痴迷﹐我很可能不会成为一名小说家。

8.This may seem a paradoxical claim to make at a time when mankind is so much preoccupied with weapons of destruction.在人类如此全力贯注于毁灭性武器的时代,这看来可能是一种自相矛盾的主张。

9.His fame was paradoxical. No man was honored higher, and yet he had never attained championship honors.他的辉煌无人能敌,没有人的荣耀能高过他的,纵使他一个冠军头衔也未曾获得。

10.These obvious contradictions have prompted me to investigate my own paradoxical relationship with technology.这些明显的矛盾之处促使我对自身与科技的这种相悖关系进行研究。