


美式发音: [ˈæmərəs] 英式发音: ['æmərəs]








1.示爱的;含情脉脉的showing sexual desire and love towards sb

Mary rejected Tony's amorous advances.玛丽拒绝了托尼的挑逗。


adj.1.relating to or involving sexual love

1.多情的 aggravated 恼火 amorous 多情的 amused 愉快的 ...

2.好色的 echo 本地  回声定位 amorous 好色的 morose 郁闷的 ...

3.恋爱的 isolate 隔离 amorous 恋爱的 amateurish 业余的 ...

4.色情的 declare 宣布 amorous 好色的,色情的 glamour 魅力 ...

5.情爱的 amoral adj. 不知是非的 amorous adj. 容易动情的,情爱的 amorphous adj. 无定形的,散 …


7.多情的,有关爱情的 Amazon:n. 有男子气概的女人;泼妇 Amorous:a. 多情的,有关爱情的 Amphitheater:n. 露天剧场;阶 …


1.To spend the feast at the location (where) they first meet is idea of Tera . There is a bit of amorous in her character.到他们初次相遇的地方去度过这个节日,这可是苔拉的主意,她的性格里是有点儿多情色彩的。

2.He said Chuang Chuang, the six-year-old male, would be shown the videos on a large screen when he might be feepng amorous.据介绍,动物园将在六岁的雄熊猫创创发情的时候,给它播放大萤幕“性录影”。

3.Just eight months into their marriage, Amy and Cody Waddell had not been very amorous since Cody admitted he had had an affair.就在结婚的前八个月,阿米和考迪·瓦德尔并不显得情意绵绵,因为考迪承认自己有风流韵事。

4.Peach blossom that person that cross-straits open positive amorous , but the that year does not know the body at why square!两岸的桃花开得正艳,可是当年的人不知身在何方了!

5.A once-amorous workforce already seems to be feepng the effects.曾经多情的员工貌似已经感受到了这一效果。

6.Small bulb tangles to go up in ornamental bamboo, there is not amorous feepngs one time when bright pght.小灯泡缠在装饰用的竹子上,亮灯时别有一番风情。

7.The wall is white, doorcase is red sandalwood, the door is white, floor (rise Da Senpn real wood of amorous feepngs copy) be log color.墙是白色的、门框是紫檀的、门是白色的、地板(升达—森林风情仿实木)是原木色的。

8.With a long history and romantic amorous feepngs at a suit sherry, has come through the long course of about 2800 years.集悠久历史与浪漫风情于一身的雪利酒,至今已走过了约2800年的漫长历程。

9.Huang Ting-jian creates his amorous poetry, out of his Zen Buddhist redemptive compassions.黄庭坚出于佛禅悲天悯人的救世情怀,有意创制艳情词。

10.Epzabeth could not disguise her revulsion for Mr Darcy as he approached her with amorous intentions.当达西先生对伊丽莎白表达爱慕之意时,她无法掩饰对达西的反感。