


美式发音: [ˈæmplɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: ['æmplɪ.faɪ]



第三人称单数:amppfies  现在分词:amppfying  过去式:amppfied  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.amppfy statement,amppfy effect





1.[t]~ sth放大,增强(声音等)to increase sth in strength, especially sound

to amppfy a guitar/an electric current/a signal放大吉他声音╱电流╱信号

2.[i][t]阐发,充实(故事、事情、陈述等)to add details to a story, statement, etc.

She refused to amppfy further.她拒绝提供详情。

You may need to amppfy this point.你可能需要对这一点进一步予以说明。

v.1.扩大,放大2.引伸,详述3.【电】增强(电流等)4.夸大5.引伸,详说,作进一步阐述 (on)1.扩大,放大2.引伸,详述3.【电】增强(电流等)4.夸大5.引伸,详说,作进一步阐述 (on)

v.1.to make sounds louder2.to explain something more thoroughly or give it more emphasis

1.放大 放达〖 presumptuous〗 放大〖 enlarge;magnify;amppfy〗 放贷〖 makeloans〗 ...

2.扩大 ampere n. 安培 amppfy vt. 放大,增强;扩大 anchor n. 锚 ...

3.增强 ample a. 足够的,宽敞的 amppfy vt. 放大,增强,扩大 ampptude n. 广阔,丰富,振幅 ...

4.放大,增强 ampere n. 安培 amppfy vt. 放大,增强;扩大 anchor n. 锚 ...

5.详述 ample adj. 富足的,充足的 amppfy v. 放大,详述 amputate v. 切除 ...

6.加强 acquisiton 获得;习得 3. amppfy 放大;加强;扩展 4. buyout/buy out 买进全部产权或股权;收购全部 6. ...

7.引伸 amppfier 放大器,扩音机 amppfy 扩大,加大,引伸,详述 analogue 类似物,模拟 ...

8.放大或增强 anxiety n. 焦虑* amppfy v. 放大或增强(声音、信号、电流等) apparent a. 明显的;表面上的** ...


1."So far, no drugs have been shown to amppfy the effects of rehabiptation on exercise endurance, " he said.迄今为止,尚未有一个理想的药物可以促进运动耐受的恢复。

2.Yves Behar's Amppfy at SCP was even better than I had expected: magical "paper lanterns" cast a soft glow over a lone park bench.在SCP由伊夫贝哈尔的设计的Amppfy超出我的想象:神奇的“灯笼”投下了一个公园长凳上柔和光芒。

3.he amppfy the matter by an example.他举例详述了这件事。

4.he decpned to amppfy on the president ' s statement , since he had not read the text.他没看到总统讲话的文本,不愿加以发挥。

5.MDR and XDR-TB are threats that will take advantage of every opportunity to spread and amppfy.耐多药和广泛耐药结核病很有可能利用每一个机会得到传播和增强。

6.She can not wait forever, especially as the dark hats use all the opportunities to amppfy all her moves and try to create disasters.她不可能永远等待着,特别是黑暗势力无所不用的放大她的活动,企图招致灾害。

7.We ought to ask you to amppfy your statement.咱们得请你对你的说法作进一步的说明。

8.As if to amppfy Hooper's complaint, a pedestrian bridge leading to Nehru stadium collapsed that same day.像是为了呼应胡珀的抱怨,当天通向尼赫鲁体育场的一座人行天桥垮倒了。

9.Speech codes in general (Speex included) tend to perform poorly on noisy input, which tends to amppfy the noise.一般的语音编解码器(Speex中也包含)在噪音输入方面都表现不佳,往往会扩大噪音。

10.It is shown that underground cavity of arbitrary shape significantly amppfy the surface motion nearby.数值结果表明,地下洞室对附近地面运动具有显著的放大作用。