


美式发音: ['æmɪ'lɔɪd] 英式发音: ['æmɪ'lɔɪd]







adj.1.resembpng a starch

n.1.a waxy translucent substance composed of complex protein fibers and polysaccharides that is formed in body tissues in some degenerative diseases, e.g. Alzheimer's disease2.a substance that resembles starch in composition or function

1.淀粉样蛋白)蛋白质在我们脑中自然的产生,但是当我们老化的时候淀粉样蛋白Amyloid )却过剩了,遂以乙型-淀粉样蛋白(Beta Am…

2.淀粉样物为淀粉样变(amyloidosis),这是因沉积的淀粉样物(amyloid)遇碘和硫酸时,显现与淀粉相似的染色反应,在光镜下呈无定形的 …

3.淀粉样物质 amylodextrin 淀粉糊精 amyloid 淀粉状蛋白 amyloidosis 淀粉样变性 ...

6.淀粉状朊 angstrom 埃 amyloid 淀粉状朊 angular momentum 角动量 ...


1.In the early 1850's Virchow was led by the appearance of the tissue deposits of amyloid to suggest that it had a polysaccharide composition.在19世纪50年代早期,Virchow被淀粉样蛋白的组织沉积表现所启发提出了淀粉样蛋白具有多糖的成分。

2.Amyloid beta itself might be injuring nerve cells or the plaques, made of accumulations of amyloid beta, could be the culprits.淀粉样β蛋白本身可能损伤神经细胞或者有它聚集形成的老年斑才是罪魁祸首。

3.Difficulties with shunts and fistulae for vascular access do not in general seem to be more frequent in patients with amyloid.建立血透路径的分流和瘘管的困难通常似乎在淀粉样变性病患者中不会增多。

4.Scientists understand that Alzheimer's disease is characterised by a build up in the brain of a protein called amyloid beta peptide.科学家们已经发现老年痴呆症的特点是大脑中生成一种叫做β淀粉状蛋白的蛋白质。

5.In that same decade, the distinguished chemist Kekule demonstrated the proteinaceous nature of amyloid deposits.在同一个10年中,杰出的化学傢Kekule证明了淀粉样沉积物的蛋白质本质。

6.One of the most noticeable features about the brains of Alzheimer's patients is the build-up of "plaques" of a toxic protein called amyloid.老年痴呆症患者脑部一个最为明显的特征是,一种所谓淀粉状朊的毒性蛋白质的积累“块”。

7.The cause of FSE is an infectious agent called a prion, and prion protein accumulates in the brain tissue as a substance called amyloid.FSE的病原是一种感染性蛋白,这种感染性蛋白像淀粉质一样在脑组织积累。

8.The severity of amyloidosis depends on which organs the amyloid deposits affect.淀粉样变的严重性依赖于淀粉样蛋白沉积在哪个器官。

9.Beta (in the form of beta-amyloid plaques) and tau (in the form of tau tangles) are the physical manifestations of Alzheimer's.贝塔(以贝塔-淀粉样斑块的形式)和陶(以陶蛋白缠结的形式)是痴呆症的物质表征。

10.Using sophisticated scanning techniques, her team has located DNA of this herpes virus specifically within the amyloid plaques in the brain.使用复杂的扫描技术,她的团队已经在脑中的淀粉样蛋白斑块中特异性的定位了这种疱疹病毒的DNA。