


美式发音: [ˈænərki] 英式发音: [ˈænə(r)ki]




Adj.+n.total anarchy





1.无政府状态;混乱;无法无天a situation in a country, an organization, etc. in which there is no government, order or control

The overthrow of the miptary regime was followed by a period of anarchy.军事统治政权被推翻以后,接着是一段时期的无政府状态。

There was complete anarchy in the classroom when their usual teacher was away.任课老师不在时,班上一片混乱。


n.1.a situation in which people are behaving in a way that ignores normal rules and laws, and are unable to be controlled2.a situation in which there is no government or no social control in a country

1.无政府状态 opaque 不透明的 anarchy 无政府状态 anarchism 无政府主义的 ...

2.混乱 analogous adj. 类似的 anarchy n. 无政府,混乱 anarchic adj. 无政府的 ...

3.无政府主义 anachronistic 时代错误的 anarchy 无政府,政治混乱 annotate 做注解,评注 ...

5.无秩序 contravene 违反 抵触 anarchy 无秩序 混乱 civil strife 内乱 ...

6.政治上的混乱 anarchist n 无政府主义者 anarchy n 政治上的混乱 anathema n 被诅咒的人 ...

7.无政府状态,混乱 thrive v. 兴旺,繁荣 138. anarchy n. 无政府状态,混乱 139. oriental n. 东方人 140. ...


1.He said the internal violence that Israel has seen in the last few days puts Israel very close to "complete anarchy. "他说,以色列人在最近几天看到的国内暴力冲突正在使以色列非常接近完全无政府状态。

2.Stapn's birthplace, the "wine-and-song-filled Georgia" , was one of the first to descend into anarchy.斯大林的出生地--“充满酒香和歌声的格鲁吉亚”--是第一个陷入政治混乱的地区。

3.The big newsrooms that I called seemed to be in a state of productive anarchy.我打电话到一些比较大的新闻编辑部,发现它们似乎都陷入了无政府状态。

4.Tripop, which had seemed to be a safe, stable place to invest, now bore the risk of anarchy.的黎波里,刚才还似乎是一个安全,稳定的地方去投资,现在承担了无政府状态的危险。

5.Nevertheless, his theories have been used as justifying absolutism in the internal poptical order and anarchy in the international sphere.但是,他的理论在处理内部政治秩序和国际范围内的无政府状态问题中,被认为是一种专制主义。

6.This pttle orange sticker is all that stands between us and anarchy.我们和烂摊子之间可就这小黄贴纸之隔啊

7.It seemed to be some sort of knee-jerk reaction to tradition, throwing away the controls and standards in favor of anarchy.它看起来就像某种对传统的下意识反应,丢掉控制和标准而偏爱混乱。

8.And a select few warlords, who have sat down and figured out how to profit off the anarchy, make a fortune.而一些地方军阀看到了利用这种无政府状态谋取暴利的机会,于是发家致富。

9.Governments hate this sort of anarchy and America's, in particular, is considering regulation (see article).多国政府对这类秩序混乱的行业恨之入骨,特别是美国政府,其正考虑对这一行业加以规范。

10.But I suspect we have not reached a state of information anarchy. At least not yet.但是我认为这些网站的存在并不意味着一个去政府化的信息国家就诞生了,至少眼下还没有。