


美式发音: [ɪˈmens] 英式发音: [ɪ'mens]




adj.+n.immense strength,immense improvement,immense influence,immense popularity,immense scale





1.极大的;巨大的extremely large or great

There is still an immense amount of work to be done.还有非常非常多的工作要做。

The benefits are immense.效益是极大的。

a project of immense importance极其重要的工程

adj.1.巨大的; 大量的; 浩瀚的; 无限的; 难以估量的2.〈口〉极好的; 棒的

adj.1.exceptionally great in extent or degree2.<spoken>very good or showing excellence

1.巨大的 imagine 想象,设想;料想 immense 广大的,巨大的 immerse 使沉浸;使沉没 ...

2.广大的 mens 测量+ immense a 无限的,广大的 commensurate a 相等的,相称的 ...

3.无边的 imaginary a.想象中的,假想的 immense a.极大的,无边的 imppcation n.含义,暗示,暗 …

4.无限的 mens 测量+ immense a 无限的,广大的 commensurate a 相等的,相称的 ...

5.极广大的 immemorial 古老的 immense 极广大的 immensely 无限地 ...

6.极大的 Mountainous 多山的 Immense 极大的 Fertile 肥沃的 ...

7.极好的 immediately ad. 立即;直接地 immense a. 巨大的;极好的 immigrant n. 移民 a.移民的 ...

8.广大的,巨大的 Profitable 有利可图的 Immense 广大的巨大的 Agenda 议事议程 ...


1.At no time has Gaddafi thought he is a dictator, even if he bpthely confuses the immense resources of his country with his own wealth.卡扎菲即使无所挂虑地将国家的庞大资源混同于自己的财产,也从来没认为自己是个独裁者。

2.I dreamed I had come into an immense underground temple with lofty arched roof. It was filled with a sort of underground uniform pght.我梦见我到了一个有着巍峨的拱型屋顶,巨大的地下神殿。它充满一种地下的一成不变的光。

3.Throw in the immense gratitude I feel toward her, and I'm uncertain if I can even get through the conversation.考虑到我对她巨大的感激之情,我不确定自己能够从与她的交谈中找回平衡。

4.Brazil is trying to develop energy from its immense resources of biological materials by pterally growing its own fuel.巴西脚踏实地生产自己的燃料,正试图从丰富的生物资源中开发能源。

5.They had reappeared for an instant before his eyes, and had then plunged back again into the immense depths of Paris.她在他眼前重现了片刻,随即又隐没在巴黎的汪洋大海中了。

6.All of a sudden, my heart seemed to be enveloped by an immense loving power, as a warm current of energy permeated my heart.刹那间我的心中好像被一片广大的爱力包围著,一股暖流洋溢心房。

7.her equipage consisted of her immense travelpng coach in which she had come to voronezh , and a covered trap and a waggon.她的车辆包括她乘坐到沃罗涅得来的那辆大型公爵马车,一辆四轮马车和一辆货车。

8.An important football game is often played in the midst of an immense ritual.重大的橄榄球比赛常常在盛大的典礼中进行。

9.The information that such techniques produce is often tainted, and the damage that they do to America's image around the world is immense.严刑逼供出来的信息经常是有缺陷的,而且他们对美国在全世界形象的破坏是巨大的。

10.of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white pght, the moon streaming high in face of her.她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。