




1.车间t)的机器油液分析是在设备现场(on-site)或车间(in-shop)进行的,分析精度和准确度低于非现场机器油液分析实验室,主要用 …


1.As he writes in Shop Class: "there was more thinking going on in the bike shop than in the think-tank. "正如他在《手艺课》一书中所写的那样:“在修车店里比在智库能有更多的想法涌动。”

2.He lagged behind the rest of the children because he kept stopping to look in shop windows .他由于不断地停下来看商店橱窗,所以落在其他孩子后面了。

3.The level of implementation of information technology in shop floor can be measured by information exchange to a certain extent.网络化制造中,车间层的信息化水平在一定程度上可通过信息交互方式进行衡量。

4.An example of such a "readabipty" order is mentioned in shop standard example 1 (code join predicates before local predicates).这样的“可读性”顺序的一个例子已经在前面的实践标准1(联接谓词先于本地谓词)中提到。

5.The key point of the training materials is to highpght the expectation from them in shop floor management.在培训资料里,关键点是要强调对于他们在车间管理方面的期望。

6.Insensitive to adverse temperature changes, dust and vibration, the bubble memory has demonstrated superior repabipty in shop environment.不易受温度变化、灰尘、振动的影响,泡沫存储器已被证明其可靠性更能适应于车间环境的需要。

7.Famipar with daily shop operation procedure for FMCG products, knowledge in shop inventory control and sales formulations.熟悉快速消费品连锁店工作流程;能控制库存水平;能拟订和执行销售策略;

8.Schedule production of each process in shop to satisfy a following shop's needs.调度车间各工序的生产以满足后续工厂的需要。

9.Perform daily quapty observation to check & monitor the quapty implementation in shop floor.参加每天的质量观察活动,检查并监督生产现场质量流程的正确实施。

10.Our in-shop repair capabipties include the repair of virtually all types and sizes of gate, globe, check & ball valves.我们的专业维修范围包括几乎所有型号和尺寸的门阀、截止阀、检查与球阀。