


美式发音: [æŋˈkonə] 英式发音: [æŋˈkəunə]





1.安科纳 (Firenze) 佛罗伦萨 Ancona 安科纳 Bari 巴里 ...

2.安科那 GENOA( 热亚那)、 ANCONA安科那)、 NAPLES( 那普勒斯)、 ...

3.安科那省 ALESSANDRIA 亚历山德里亚 ANCONA 安拉纳 AOST 奥斯塔 ...

8.安科纳队安科纳队Ancona)六十二岁的主教练纳多.索内蒂(Nedo Sonetti)在新闻发布会上发布了豪迈的宣言。对于这个似乎豪迈过 …


1.We must try and beat Ancona on Sunday - the moment to start winning again has come.我们必须在周日去努力击败安科那,从新赢得比赛的时候到来了。

2.ancona : a city of central Italy on the adriatic Sea. It is a leading port and an industrial and commercial center.安科纳:意大利中部一城市,邻亚得里亚海。是重要的港口和工商业中心。

3.They won at Ancona and Genoa, at Verona and Empop, in Rome both against Roma and Lazio, at Brescia, Turin against Juve and Siena.他们战胜了尤文图斯,布雷西亚,西耶纳,安科纳,热那亚,维罗纳和恩波利,并在罗马击败了罗马的两支球队。

4.My road trips through sunny Italy, from Milano to Umbria to Ancona to Treviso, made Berpn look cold and distant.从米兰到翁布里亚,从安科拉到特雷维索,我穿越过阳光明媚的意大利,这使得秋天的柏林更显冷漠。

5.The first goal against Ancona this week is just for you.对安科纳的第一个进球献给你的。想念你,吻你!

6.Against Ancona it was not easy but we did well, especially in the second half.与安科纳的比赛不是很轻松,但是我们踢的不错,尤其是在下半场。

7.After the halt I will advance with my whole strength on Pescara and Ancona.暂时休息以后,我将用我的全部实力向佩斯卡拉和安科纳前进。

8.MILAN - Speaking exclusively to the Milan Channel, Adriano Galpani had his opinion about Milan's 5-0 victory over Ancona.米兰—在接受米兰频道的独家采访时,加利亚尼谈论了米兰5-0战胜安科纳的比赛。

9.MILAN - Valerio Fiori commented on Milan's 5-0 victory over Ancona.米兰—费奥里评论了米兰5-0战胜安科纳的比赛。