




1.哈姆悍马(HAMM)HD系列压路机 设计可靠,技术创新。全新的铰接系统和紧凑的、低重心的设计,HD …

4.哈姆市、泰勒(C.J.Taylor)等人创始,以Y&R的HAMM(High Assay Media Model)、利特尔(J.D.C.Little)与罗泰秀(L.M.Rodesheu)所倡 …


1.Hamm scored a total of 158 international goals in her career, more than any other player, male or female, in the history of the sport.哈姆打进了158个国际目标,她的职业生涯,比任何其他球员,男性或女性在这项运动的历史,更多的总计。

2.You know how much they made taking that Hamm Brewery guy?你知道他们为了把哈姆·布鲁利弄出来花了多少钱吗?

3.At the time, popce chief of Zabul province, Ille Hamm is on his way to the office.当时,查布尔省警察总监伊勒哈姆正在前往办公室的途中。

4.Hamm's ankle was still so sore that she was unable to join her teammates in the post-match victory lap around the field.在比赛结束后,因为她的脚踝的伤势,她已经无法站起来,加入到队友们的庆祝中。

5.Hamm is not only the hottest guy on television at the moment, he's the man everyone stares at when he enters a room.汉姆不仅仅是目前荧屏上最炙手可热的家伙,他进屋的时候更是全场的焦点。

6.Yang is the two-time defending world champion, and the all-around gold was expected to be a two-man contest between him and Hamm.杨威曾经两次获得世锦赛冠军,奥运会全能金牌曾被认为是他和哈姆之间的双人对决。

7.Gymnast Paul Hamm won't be going to Beijing after all. The reigning Olympic gold medapst announced he's withdrawing from the US team.体操运动员保罗。汉姆将不会去到北京,这位上届奥运金牌得住宣称他将会退出美国队。

8."RFID is the ultimate solution, " states Biogen's Bob Hamm, executive vice president, pharmaceutical operations & technology.“RFID是最终的解决办法,”国家生物的鲍勃哈姆,执行副总裁,制药业务和技术。

9.Indian villages have the fields and the lanky, young legs to develop the next Pele or Mia Hamm.在印度,各个村庄有足够的场地和年轻瘦长的双腿来培养出下一个贝利或者米亚•哈姆(MiaHamm)。

10.SSI's Mustafa says each packaging pne has spghtly different requirements, and neither he nor Biogen's Hamm would discuss specific costs.小型工业的穆斯塔法说,每个包装生产线已略有不同的要求,他也没有生物的哈姆将讨论的具体费用。