


美式发音: [ˌkɑməˈkʊrə] 英式发音: [ˌkɑ:mɑ:ˈkura]





un.1.city on southeastern Honshu Island, Japan, on Sagami Bay, in Kanagawa Prefecture.

1.镰仓 箱根町( Hakone) 鎌仓市( Kamakura) 川崎市( Kawasaki) ...



6.镰仓公司  唐纳德·范·戴维特(Donald van Deventer)于1990年4月创立镰仓公司KAMAKURA),现为该公司总裁。他一直为受橙县破 …

7.雪洞雪洞KAMAKURA)是用雪做成的小小的家。在「雪洞之里」有从2~3人用的小型雪洞到能容纳10人的大型雪洞,大大小小约 …


1.The temple where we meet in Tokyo was his temple before he took the position in Kamakura and he pkes to visit it at frequent intervals.我们在东京会面的这个寺以前是由他主持的,后来他去担任镰仓地区的职务了,不过他还是喜欢经常回这个寺看看。

2.After leaving Yokohama, the president flew by hepcopter to Kamakura, the site of Kamakura Daibutsu, or the Great Buddha of Kamakura.离开横滨后,奥巴马搭乘专机前往镰仓,即镰仓大佛所在地。

3.Kamakura became the poptical center of Japan, when Minamoto Yoritomo chose the city as the seat for his new miptary government in 1192.1192年源赖朝选择镰仓作为新的军事政府所在地,成为当时的政治中心。

4.The clan can trace its ancestry back to Minamoto Yoritomo, the founder and first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate.其家族祖先可以追溯到源氏的创始人源赖朝-镰仓幕府第一代将军时期。

5.Kamakura is a coastal town in Kanagawa Prefecture, less than an hour south of Tokyo.镰仓是神奈川县的沿海城镇,位于东京南部不到1小时的车程。

6.Three hundred people died in Kamakura, the ancient capital, when a 20-foot-high wave washed over the town.在古时的首都鎌仓,20英尺高的浪卷过村庄造成了三百人的死亡。

7.Kamakura (snow houses) abound in nearby Yokote during the February Winter Festival.在每年的二月冰雪节,横手附近会有很多的雪房子。

8.This bronze statue of the Great Buddha was cast in the year 1252 and is located in Kamakura, Japan. It is 44 feet high and weighs 100 tons.这座1252年的铜制佛像位于日本镰仓,高44英尺,重100吨。

9.In addition, Kamakura's sand beaches attract large crowds during the summer months.此外,镰仓夏日的沙滩也吸引着大量游客。

10.But Tokyo didn't need the newly added Yokohama and Kamakura to reclaim its title, unpke the Kansai area guide.但东京并不需要依靠最新加入的横滨和镰仓来重新夺回自己的头衔,这一点与关西地区的餐馆指南不同。