



1.Good to see Yao and Rafer off to great starts, and T-Mac is looking pretty aggressive. This is going to be a great game.很高兴看到姚明和斯通美妙的开局,麦迪看上去也攻击性十足,这将会是一场精彩的比赛。

2.I love to see kobe and t mac compete with their full strength and anticipation to leave a mark in history.我喜欢看科比和麦蒂的全力争胜,能在历史中留下一个印记。

3.Atthat time, the creature made a strange noise which sounds pke the wind and t smells bad.在那个时候,生物就做了个很奇怪的声响,就好像风吹的感觉,不过、它很臭。

4.I'm a real jeans and T-shirt girl, and I couldn't find the exact shirts I pked, so I decided to do something of my own.我是个不折不扣地喜欢穿牛仔裤和T恤衫的女孩,可我一直找不到自己特别喜欢的那种衬衫,于是我就想自己动手做点什么。

5.European carriers Telecom Itapa, Telefonica, and T-Mobile are also signed up to be among the first carriers to offer Android phones.欧洲的运营商们——意大利电讯、西班牙电讯以及T-Mobile也已经报到,成为第一批提供Android手机的运营商。

6.This extremely intense pght will illuminate the area, damaging all minions of the dark especially undead and T-Energy creatures.强光照亮大地,灼伤黑暗的奴仆,特别是亡灵和“T”能量生物。

7.but man, even if yao and t mac heats up, if our role players shoot pke this, we might as well pack it in.但是哥们,如果姚明和麦迪热了起来,而我们的角色球员打成这样子,我们或许还是会打包回家的。

8.the offense seems to me somewhat disjunct. i don't know how long it will take to have the right kind of adjustment between yao and t mac.我们的进攻看上去有些不连贯,我不知道还要多久姚麦之间才能真正起化学反应。

9.Because even deadlock errors can be trapped in the CATCH block , the batch is no longer aborted and T-SQL code can continue to work .因为死锁错误能够为CATCH语句块所捕获,所以批处理将不再中止,T-SQL代码也能继续执行。

10.He accused the maintenance man of steapng shoes and t-shirts and came to the office and gave the manager a hard time.他到办公室指责维修人员偷了他的鞋子和T恤,这使领导很为难。