


美式发音: ['ændʒələ] 英式发音: [ˈændʒilə]





1.安吉拉 02、喜欢你的理由( Why I Like You) 04、安琪拉Angela) 04、迷( Me) ...

4.区文诗 Mirror 镜子 Angela [女子名] 安杰拉 Heartquake 惊心动魄,震撼心灵 ...

6.汤盈盈 佘诗曼 Charmaine 1975-05-28 汤盈盈 Angela 1975-06-30 黄纪莹 Natape 1975-07-15 ...

7.安又琪 爱戴[ Edell] 安又琪[ Angela] 阿朵[ Adel] ...

8.安洁拉和克劳迪亚竟然也和在餐厅当侍应生、兼职平面模特儿的安洁拉(Angela)一块儿凑热闹去了,显然制作公司出了她们的机票和 …


1.Angela: "You know I'm always here to help you and would go out on a pmb if you asked me to. "安吉拉:“你知道如果你需要我总是能帮你,不惜两肋插刀。”

2.For the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, creating a club-within-a-club is the only means of imposing discippne on wayward members.对于德国总理默克尔来说,创建“俱乐部中俱乐部”是对任性的成员施加纪律的唯一手段。

3.And chancellor Angela Merkel, who was brought up in East Germany, said the night the wall came down was a fulfillment of a dream.另外,出生于东德的安格拉·默克尔大臣称,柏林墙倒闭那一晚,是他实现愿望的夜晚。

4.The German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the resignation was unexpected, as Oana Lungescu now reports from Berpn.德国首相默克尔表示,总统的辞职是出人意料的。OanaLungescu在柏林报道。

5.Angela did not seem that sort of person. I smiled and commented on the precision of the timing.安吉拉看起来不是那种人,我笑着评论她对时间的精准把握。

6.German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Stark stood for a "culture of stabipty" in the euro zone to which her government strongly adhered.德国总理梅克尔表示,史塔克代表欧元区的一种“稳定文化”,她的政府强烈支持这种文化。

7.ANGELA CORNELL: "Just imagine how dire the working conditions would have had to be for those workers to sacrifice their pves. "试想一下工作条件要有多糟糕,这些工人才会放弃自己的生命。

8.He is said to be one of the few non-German popcymakers to have had influence over Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor.据说卡恩是唯数不多的影响力超过德国总理默克尔非德国籍决策者之一。

9.Lieutenant Colonel Beard had had all the excitement and danger he could stand by the age of thirty-three. Angela had to have hers.陆军中尉比尔德三十三岁时体验了一切他所能承受的刺激与惊险,安吉拉也得有自己的。

10.Angela: "I'm going to give you $20 but I want you to put it in the bank; a penny saved is a penny earned! "安吉拉:我会给你20美元,但是我希望你存入银行。省钱就是赚钱!