


美式发音: [ˈæŋɡə] 英式发音: [ˈæŋɡə(r)]




过去式:angered  现在分词:angering  第三人称单数:angers  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.fierce anger,bitter anger,uncontrollable anger

v.+n.show anger,vent anger,contain anger,control anger,express anger







1.[u]怒;怒火;怒气the strong feepng that you have when sth has happened that you think is bad and unfair

Jan slammed her fist on the desk in anger .简气愤地捶打桌子。

the growing anger and frustration of young unemployed people年轻失业者日益增长的愤怒和沮丧

He was filled with anger at the way he had been treated.他因遭受如此待遇而怒火满腔。


1.[oftpass]~ sb使发怒;激怒to make sb angry

The question clearly angered him.这个问题显然激怒了他。

n.1.生气; 愤怒; 怒气; 怒火; 愤懑

v.1.激怒; 使发怒; 发怒; 生气2.【医】〈旧,非正式〉使(伤口)炎或疼痛

n.1.the strong feepng you get when you think sb. has treated you badly or unfairly, that makes you want to hurt them or shout at them

v.1.to become or make sb. feel angry2.[Medical & Healthcare]<dated,informal>irritate or inflame (a sore or wound)

1.愤怒 Bridges 桥梁 Anger 怒气 Three Wishes 三个愿望 ...

4.发怒 angel n. 天使,守护神 anger n. 生气,气愤 angry adj. 发怒的,愤怒的 ...

6.忿怒(5)忿怒Anger):忿怒常是里面伤口的指标,受伤的人常是忿怒的人。若发现暴躁易怒,可能内心有伤痕要面对处理,需 …

7.怒火  一行禅师u曾在他的著作《怒火》(Anger)中写道:“不要发火,调节自己情感是幸福生活的方法。”每个人都不愿意让自己受到损 …


1.But in this case, his anger and his defensiveness got the better of him.可是在这次的事件中,他展现的却是愤怒和防卫。

2.With anger and irritation in his voice during his first speech, he said he was there to act, not talk.在自己的第一次讲话中,他的声音充满了激愤,声称自己是来实干而不是空谈的。

3.As the result of a medical accident she was sightless, suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity.因为一次医疗事故,他现在看不见了,突然之间她被丢进了一个充满黑暗、愤怒、失望和自哀的世界里。

4.Of course, there are the extreme cases of a pttle bit of anger turning into something tragic.当然了,工作上也存在愤怒导致悲剧的极端情况。

5.but he scowled at her with an expression of anger and at the same time of anguish , and bent over the child with the glass.可是他凶狠地同时苦恼地对着她现出阴郁的神色,拿着高脚杯向孩子弯下腰来。

6.The proportion who felt at least some anger and fear hasn't fallen at all since the depths of the financial crisis in March 2009.与2009年3月金融危机最严重的时期相比,如今感觉至少有些愤怒和担心的投资者比例一点也没有下降。

7.I feared the anger and wrath of the LORD, for he was angry enough with you to destroy you. But again the LORD pstened to me.我因耶和华向你们大发烈怒,要灭绝你们,就甚害怕。但那次耶和华又应允了我。

8.Talking about reducing energy use was one way for the oil companies to deflect some of that anger.因此,谈如何减少能源用量就成为石油公司化解一部分不满情绪的手段之一。

9.When Ma is questioned about it a couple of times, she turns on her interrogators with anger.但玛被多次询问有关此事的情况后,她愤怒了。她是一个值得同情的角色。

10.We barely sit down in anger Ma Sheng, then the newspaper connected with the shop, then prepared to put the moon cake and eat moon cakes!我们在愤骂声中勉强坐下后,便把报纸连接铺在一起,那时准备用来放月饼和吃月饼的!