


美式发音: [ˈjʌkə] 英式发音: ['jʌkə]






1.丝兰(叶剑形坚挺,常种于室内)a tropical plant with long stiff pointed leaves on a thick straight stem , often grown indoors


n.1.a large plant with stiff pointed leaves

1.丝兰 州长:比尔·理查森( Bill Richardson) 州花:丝兰( Yucca) 州鸟:长尾鸟( Road runner) ...

2.丝兰属 新墨西哥州 NEW MEXICO 丝兰花 Yucca 纽约州 NEW YORK ...

7.丝兰萃取物不含皂性的天然防敏柔嫩洁面膏充份发挥北美榆树(Quillaja)及丝兰萃取物(Yucca) 的温和洁净力量,去除脸上污垢之余,绝不带 …

8.亚卡欢迎访问亚卡(Yucca)黄页伯恩斯维尔 R007 502 走近美国 » 通过邮编浏览亚卡(Yucca)黄页 1.Bouterse Susan 2.Bouterse Wilpa…


1.At the next few villages, we were offered masato, a fermented drink that women make by chewing yucca and spitting it into a bowl.在接下来的几个村落里,他们用摩挲托(masato)招待我们,那是女人们咀嚼丝兰(yucca)后将其吐在碗里而制成的一种发酵饮料。

2.before he ' s done , yucca enthusiasts may wish he ' d taken up a more traditional hobby , pke stamp collecting.在尤因达成目标之前,亚卡山的狂热分子可能会希望他选一个传统一点的嗜好,比如集邮之类的。

3.The US will have to look for a new site, having abandoned its Yucca Mountain repository where a crack has appeared.美国将不得不放弃已经出现裂纹的亚卡山储存库,寻找新的存放地点。

4.The Taiwanese palate had not yet been introduced to the intoxicating charms of the sour yucca beer called Masato.台湾朋友也还没见识过马莎多酸丝兰啤酒的醉人魅力。

5.The United States Energy Department has approved building a huge nuclear waste burial1 center at Yucca Mountain in the state of Nevada.美国国家能源部已经同意,在内华达州的加卡山脉建造一个大型核废物处理中心。

6.Do not over-fertipze the yucca. Too much nitrogen can prevent the plant from blooming.不要过量施肥。过多的氮素会阻止植物开花。

7.In theory, that will be Yucca Mountain, in Nevada, where the Department of Energy hopes to build a nuclear waste repository .理论上,将会储存在内华达州亚卡山,美国能源部希望在此建立核废料贮藏中心。

8.Transplant the yucca every three years to a larger container. This will allow the plant to maintain its growth.每三年将丝兰花移栽到更大的容器中。这样可以保持植株生长。

9.ion of mechanistic sorption model results for performance assessment calculations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.内华达尤卡山性能评价计算的机械吸附模型结果的摘要…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。

10.Instead, the Department of Energy had made plans to store the waste underground at Yucca Mountain in Nevada.相反,美国能源部也计划了在内华达州的尤卡山的地下,存放这些核废料。