


美式发音: [ˌændʒɪrˌspɝm] 英式发音: [ˌændʒɪəˌspɜ:m]






n.1.a plant in which the sex organs are within flowers and the seeds are in a fruit.

1.被子植物 被子〖 quilt〗 被子植物angiosperm〗 被动式〖 passiveform(vioce)〗 ...

2.被子植物类群a); 裸子植物门(Gymnospermae): 被子植物门(Angiosperm)。

4.被子植物s angiogenesis factor 血管生成因子v angiosperm 被子植物s anhydrous 无水的!*l ...

5.第八章被子植物 ... 第三节银杏纲( Ginkgopsida) 第八章被子植物Angiosperm) 一、木兰目( Ma…

6.种子植物成; fruit seed seed plant 种子植物 (angiosperm) (angiosperm) • 种类最多,分布最广泛,最高等的植物 • 具有根、茎、叶、 …

7.显花植物图39.显花植物(Angiosperm)组成的优美庭园。苔藓类植物,配子体发达、孢子体需寄生在配子体上,蕨类,配子体生命期短、 …


1.Perhaps a key adaptive advantage of the angiosperm is their abipty to construct wood with much less expenditure of energy per unit weight.也许被子植物适应优势的秘诀就在于它们有能力形成每单位重量的木材可支付少得多的能。

2.For decades, plant molecular biology has focused on only a few angiosperm species.几十年来,植物分子生物学研究的重点是只有少数几个被子植物物种。

3.oleanane biomarkers indicative of angiosperm input and a Cretaceous or younger source rock.被子植物齐墩果烷生物标志物和指示输入一个白垩纪或更年轻烃源岩。

4.Micromorphology also provided valuable information for the taxonomy of angiosperm classification.微形态学也给被子植物分类提供有价值的资料。

5.Lineage-specific patterns are also seen: translocations are rare in dipteran fpes, and angiosperm genomes seem prone to polyploidization.天堂的具体模式还看到:易位是罕见的双翅苍蝇,和被子植物基因组似乎容易多倍体化。

6.The abipty of plants to fulfill nutritional needs by parasitizing neighboring plants has originated several times in angiosperm evolution.植物的能力,以满足营养需要的寄生周边植物起源多次在被子植物进化。

7.Funicle ( funiculus ) The stalk attaching the ovule (later the seed) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries.被子植物子房中连接胚珠(之后的种子)和胎座的柄。

8.This latter statement finds support in contemporary works on angiosperm embryology .后者这一说法,在当代被子植物胚胎学研究中获得了支持。

9.In the angiosperm the seeds are wrapped in an additional layer of covering.在被子植物中,种子被额外的皮包裹着。

10.These factors make A. majus an ideal comparative angiosperm.这些因素使答:草的理想比较被子植物。