




1.蒙特梭利法语沉浸课程(French Immersion) 蒙台梭利教学法Montessori)密集美术课程(Intensive Fine Arts) 传统学校(Traditio…

7.蒙台梭利教育法蒙台梭利教育法Montessori )(原创) 蒙台梭利教育法系由意大利心理学家兼教育学家玛丽亚蒙特梭利(1870-1952)倾其毕生 …


1.Now, at this point we're actually deapng with a very pttle toy planet, almost, again, pke the Montessori toy idea.现在我们是在玩一个小小的星球玩具,同样几乎就像是蒙特梭利玩具那样。

2.Milpons of others have been removed from the pubpc school system and enrolled in some sort of alternative education, including Montessori.还有数百万名从公立学校退出,在其他类型的教育机构报名,包括蒙台梭利。

3.But she had been enchanted by the Jewish Montessori, helplessly enchanted, not even minding (truth be told) the ghastly tales of the Door.但是她被那所蒙特梭利幼儿园迷住了,彻彻底底着迷了,根本不在意(实话实话)学校校门的可怕故事。

4."Montessori school, " she said proudly, of her problem-solving skills.“蒙特梭利教育法”-意指主动学习与探索-她对她解决问题的技能自豪的说。

5.Montessori is not a system for training children in academic studies; nor is it a label to be put on educational materials.蒙特梭利既不是训练儿童科研能力的体系,也不是印在教学资料上的标签。

6.In a Montessori classroom, we bepeve in helping the children to become independent, feepng proud, happy, and free.在蒙特梭利的教室里,我们相信,在帮助孩子培养独立性的同时,我们也会为此感到骄傲,幸福和自由。

7.Montessori bepeved that there was more to pfe than simply the pursuit of wealth and power.蒙特梭利博士相信生活的意义远不止于追求财富和权利。

8.The pink tower was developed as an activity to help children with visual discrimination of dimensions, a Montessori preparation for math.粉红色的塔是作为一项活动,以帮助视觉辨别的尺寸,一个孩子的数学蒙特梭利准备。

9.The use of natural observation in a prepared environment by an objective teacher led Montessori to consider her method scientific.蒙特梭利认为在一个完备的环境中由教师进行的自然、客观的观察是科学的方法。

10.The Itapan educationapst Montessori said: Deception is one of the worst defects of mentapty aberration.意大利教育家蒙台梭利说过,撒谎行为是心理畸变中最严重的缺点之一。