


美式发音: [æŋˈɡɔrə] 英式发音: [æŋˈɡɔːrə]



复数:angoras  同义词




1.[c]安哥拉猫(或山羊、兔)a breed of cat, goat or rabbit that has long smooth hair

2.[u]安哥拉山羊毛线(织物);安哥拉兔毛线(织物)a type of soft wool or cloth made from the hair of the angora goat or rabbit

an angora sweater安哥拉羊毛套衫


n.1.Same as Ankara2.a type of goat, rabbit, or cat that has long soft hair3.soft wool made from the hair of an angora goat or rabbit

1.安哥拉兔 SILK 蚕丝 ANGORA 兔毛 VISCOSE RAYON 粘纤 ...

3.安哥拉山羊毛 amber 琥珀色 angora 安哥拉山羊毛 Angora rabbit hair 安哥拉兔毛 ...

4.安哥拉羊毛 WS=cashmere 山羊绒 聚酯纤维 WA=angora 安哥拉兔毛 聚丙烯腈纤维 WK=camel 驼绒 改性聚丙烯腈 …

6.安哥拉毛 Viscose 粘胶纤维 , 人造丝 Angora 安哥拉毛 Camel 骆驼毛 ...

7.安哥拉猫 Angora rabbit 安哥拉兔 Angora 安哥拉猫 angrily 愤怒地 ...



1.Cashmere goats produce cashmere and Angora goats produce -- did you think we were going to say angora?克什米尔细毛山羊生产出开司米羊绒,安哥拉山羊生产出——你觉得我们会说是安哥拉呢?

2.Not surprisingly neither angora nor cashmere knickerbockers features on the packing pst that appears at the end of this book.不管是安哥拉山羊毛还是开士米羊绒灯笼裤都毫无意外地未被列入本书末尾的打包清单中。

3.The angora ferrets were then sold whole with the owners being responsible for having them fixed (costing a few hundred dollars).由所有者花费数百美元对安哥鲁雪貂负责实施节育手术后,将其全部售出。

4.They should, he instructed, wear a skirt that finishes three inches off the ground and knickerbockers of "soft angora, not cashmere" .他曾说,女人们应当穿着高于地面3英寸的短裙以及由“安哥拉山羊毛而非开士米羊绒”做成的灯笼裤。

5.Angora goats generally get their hair cut two times a year, in the spring and fall.安哥拉山羊通常一年剪两次毛,分别在春天和秋天。

6.The names of the Turkish cities of Constantinople and Angora were changed to Istanbul and Ankara, respectively.年,土耳其城市君士坦丁堡和安哥拉分别改名为伊斯坦布尔和安卡拉。

7.Angora goats generally get their hair cut 2 times a year, in the spring and fall.人们通常一年给安哥拉山羊剪两次毛,分别在春季和秋季。

8.The present work was carried out to investigate the effects of rare earth ascorbate on gastric juice secretion in Angora rabbits.本文报导了抗坏血酸稀土对安哥拉兔胃液分泌的影响。

9.Depending on the outcome, this could also mean the end of the true Danish Angora ferret in the US.根据相关结果,这也可能意味着纯正丹麦安哥鲁雪貂在美国的终结。

10.It spends merrily from the defence budget on developing new strains of Angora rabbits and 'Namkeen Herbal Tea'!DRDO愉快地把国防预算花在了研究新品种的安哥拉兔和“辣味药茶”上!